Originally Posted By: Beardguy57
The Impossible Planet

Part one

Was on BBC America tonight.

It was ok. At least now I know why the planet is impossible.. there is no way a planet can defy the extreme gravity of a nearby black hole.

The aliens look partially what I think the aliens from "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel " ought to look like.

Part 2 - Satan Pit - just ended.

It was marvelous!

Loved every second of it.

Loved the Doctor's hedging on his views on religion: ie, God, and the Devil.
I expect we are to make up our own mind on what he believes.. or, whether or not it is important or not to us that he believes.

I choose to feel that the Doctor believes in God.. and that he just doesn't wish to be perceived as telling others what to believe or not to believe.

The writing, the tone of the episode.. everything was wonderful about this episode.

I taped it. and will watch it again on BBC America tomorrow during their 5 hour Dr. Who marathon.

"I offer you a Vulcan prayer, Mr Suder. May your

death bring you the peace you never found in

life." - Tuvok.