i was reading about this. apparently said the yankees would talk to arod, but only if scott boras wasn't allowed to be in on the call (he's banned from the yankees compound)

my number 1 wish for this ordeal was that no one would sign arod, and he'd walk around in shame during 2008.

that aside, im not sure how i feel about the notion of getting arod back. i still hate him. i still think he's a dufus. i think he's somehow found the way to lower his rep and locker room morale in the past few weeks. but he's still an amazing player with 10+ healthy years left, barring griffeyism, and he's currently baseball's best hitter (and pretty good at defense, baserunning, etc) so he's a good asset to have.

i gotta admit, though, i was really getting used to the idea of not having him around. yanks could make a much smaller offer on lowell or cabrera, and potentially find a better fit for their team.

whatta ya think, peejus

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