Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: PJP
wow. you really sound bitter. I'm not messing with you. relax a little....like you said you just won 2 out of the past 4 world series....chill.

Nah. Not bitter. It's been a long season of keeping my mouth shut. I haven't sparred with you in how long? Jes' making up for lost time...

 Originally Posted By: PJP
Why does it bother you that Yankees fans and the Yankess themselves aren't in panic mode and are quite happy with the way the team is shaping up for this year and the coming years.

It's not about perceived panic mode. I never used the term. It's the fact that the Yankees are lightning quick to bend over for A-Rod and (by extension) Boras. I thought naming Girardi manager was a good thing. I like that they're keeping Posada and Rivera (though I think they're overpaying for Rivera). It's just a shame that they'd rather go back to a guy who screwed them over to the tune of about $27 Million and was never considered a "true Yankee" than use the money to shore up more needs (starting and relief pitching and first base, for example) and have more financial flexibility to go after a better free agent class down the road.

 Originally Posted By: PJP
Keep in mind we spotted you a 14 game lead 'cause of injuries and you still almost choked away the divison. yup.

Great spin. The key word is "almost."

 Originally Posted By: PJP
and keeping Martinez and Lowe wouldn't have stopped you from getting Beckett....that is a pretty weak thing to say.

Um, yeah it would've. Keeping the two of them would've cost (conservatively) $21 Million each year for four years. That money keeps them from being willing or able (depending on your view) to soak up Lowell's contract which, at the time, was considered an albatross. Which would've killed the deal (taking on Lowell was a condition the Marlins were firm on). Also, $13 Million of that gets flushed down the toilet in year three when Pedro's shoulder blew out, requiring surgery...just like the Red Sox predicted it would.
When you see John Henry go into his personal pocket book and pay the 50 million posting fee for Dice K you can spare me how much this would have cost the team. All MLB teams have lots of cash to burn. Kudos to the Yanks and Boston for putting the money back into the teams and giving it back to the fans so to speak. This San Fran writer the other day was saying how every team could afford ARod if they wanted it's just that they don't like spending their money. They rather line their pockets instead of giving it back to the fans. Selig today announced that MLB made over 6 billion in revenues this year.