Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
"This San Fran writer the other day was saying how every team could afford ARod if they wanted it's just that they don't like spending their money."

Right. The only catch would be that A-Rod would have to pay CF, LF, RF, SS, 2B, and 3B for most teams to fit him under thier budget.

most every major league team sets their budgets way lower than they need to. they have the money to spend, they just don't. the argument is then split on whether that is right or wrong. before he was hit by lightning, bsams would always post here saying how all the cinci press would berate the reds management for never spending on the team despite being worth more than steinbrenner (and/or the newly formed voltron steinbrenner)

granted, you wont read that, and will only see "rob lOVe yankEeS, thEY spENd moNeY!" (and i chose, here, leet speak versus the dollar $ign speak) but i digress.

the issue that we're in now, however...

k, so, say arod and the yanks agree to 10 years for 275 mil. 27.5 mil a season. biggest in baseball. yadda yadda. but is he worth that?

no, of course, not in the real-life, human-being context, where atheletes or entertainers should be paid far below teachers and doctors and quirky, stumpy web designers.

i mean, comparatively, in the major league sport of baseball. do arod's stats warrant 27 million per season in the year 2008? is he 150% an ichiro, beltran, or soriano -- each at 17/18 million a season? is he 20% better than manny ramirez? is he twice as valuable as a miguel tejada?

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