I wonder what you longterm fans feel about regeneration. I came in with Tenth as the current and am able to read about the past ones with the kind of perspective that lets me see it one way, but you guys got attached to actors and then saw the regenerations as they aired. Do you guys feel that it is the same character just from different perspectives, or do you look at each one as being distinctive?
One thing I notice in looking at the past Doctors is that each regeneration seems to be like an update. Wherein the events in the Doctor's life shape the regeneration. For example he was an old man who became younger and more active to match his active life of exploration. The Sixth Doctor being an asshole might be because he in some way blamed his companion for the death of the Fifth. The Seventh Doctor may have been an attempt to be more likeable and friendly. the Eighth Doctor is stronger and younger than the prior ones perhaps because he was caught offguard and shot and died a slow painful death while weak and at the mercy of others. The Ninth seems harder and more basic perhaps in mourning for the loss of the Time Lords, while the Tenth has an accent closer to Rose's and seems to have adopted her joy for their adventures, whereas Ninth was a bit more reserved towards things and had a "seen it" attitude.
That's just my take on it.

Bow ties are coool.