Originally Posted By: Pariah
You'd think I was disturbed by any of the movies mentioned here...But neigh.

Nekromantik was actually one of the first movies I, honest to God, masturbated to. This was because I didn't actually discover real porn until a few years later. The sequel, while more sexually graphic, sucked ass.

Hard Candy was just annoying and pretentious the whole way through. I just wanted to mangle the little bitch and staple her fat mouth shut.

Whoever was shocked and awed by the curbing scene in AHX is a fucking light-weight. It's a dummy for crying out! Get a life!

Irreversible: I don't know what the big deal is here, the scene wasn't even acted out well. I figure the guy getting pummeled with a fire extinguisher should have gotten more attention--It caved in his face for fuck's sake.

The only thing that irked me about Audition was when she puked in the bowl and fed it to sack-dude. I mean, the needles going through the eyes was good, but the cinematography didn't really make me feel the pain; the end of Hostel 2 did a better job.

Ichi the Killer was more showy than substantial and Suicide Club was just stupid.

Seven hasn't even been born yet after all these movies.

Anywho, I'm not trying to show off. I'm just pointing out that you're all losers.

The scene from Old Boy when he cut out his own tongue--Now that made me turn away.

Men Behind the Sun came close with all the skin pulling, but in the end it was too fakey like with Ichi the Killer.

When CNN starts reporting that Fred Savage has climbed a tower with a high powered rifle, I'll know what's really going on.

whomod said: I generally don't like it when people decide to play by the rules against people who don't play by the rules.
It tends to put you immediately at a disadvantage and IMO is a sign of true weakness.
This is true both in politics and on the internet."

Our Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man said: "no, the doctor's right. besides, he has seniority."