Originally Posted By: whomod
Romney... Not only is he part of a racist religion...

No, Obama's the Muslim. Rommney's just a Mormon.

But, seriously, even if you accept that Mormanism is a "racist religion," it doesn't necessarily follow that Rommney is a racist. Presidents (like the general public) often eschew negative or outmoded aspects of their religion. For example, you will recall that John Kerry was both Catholic and pro-choice.

...he tries to lie to people about his family's civil rights cred.

Rommney's exaggerations here are troubling, especially in their resemblance to Al "I Invented the Internet" Gore. However, it should be noted that his father (Detroit Governor George Romney) did, in fact, have a very good record on civil rights:
  • Martin Luther King Jr. didn't fault Romney for his absence [at the march], which the governor ascribed to his policy against public appearances on the Sabbath.

    "Issuing the proclamation [supporting the march], and sending his personal representatives, was probably more than 49 other governors would have been willing to do at that time," says Clayborne Carson, director of the Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project at Stanford University. "It took considerable courage."

    Romney would go much further, participating in a small demonstration in Grosse Pointe later that week; refusing to endorse Barry Goldwater in 1964, largely because of Goldwater's vote against the Civil Rights Act; and, in 1965, marching in Detroit to protest the police actions in Selma, Alabama.

    These acts placed him at odds with his political party and with his church leadership.