Originally Posted By: whomod
Back in the day, they'd lock you up for being so delusional.

Sure, whomod, it's not a like a religion to you. That's why you're making jokes that imply imprisonment for heresy, ala a medievil Pope.

But, anyway, getting back to Romney (cause, you know, he's the subject of the thread, and all):

  • It's looking like Mitt Romney might have been judged too quickly on the Martin Luther King business. Two witnesses have now come forward to The Politico, insisting that they saw the late Gov. George Romney (R-MI) make a surprise appearance alongside King in 1963.

    The campaign has also posted a collection of citations — including a contemporary account from the Detroit Free Press — attesting that it happened.

    There's one lingering question, though: If the facts do vindicate Mitt Romney on this one — and at first glance, this looks legit — why did he handle it so awkwardly and ineptly right off the bat? Why all the parsing about what the word "saw" meant, and the business about "march with" being figurative?