So you get your political advice from 8-year-old girls?

Seriously, the excrement she was spewing is clearly not written by an 8-year-old, and the liberal who scripted, instructed and videotaped her to spew that profanity-laden anti-Christian/anti-Republican rant should be up on charges for child abuse.

Other than that, it's the usual liberal rant about, republicans are evil, republicans are racists, etc etc.
Ignoring, of course, that Bush, whatever faults his presidency had, reached out to minority voters, and appointed more minorities to high-level positions than any Democrat administration. And that guys like Giuliani, McCain, Huckabee, etc, are all taking sympathetic stances toward illegals immigrants.

And as I pointed out before, many of the major steps toward civil rights for black Americans occurred in the Eisenhower years. Most significantly, Brown -vs- the Board of Education, and Eisenhower's enforcing the Supreme Court ruling with National Guard troops, to insure black students got safely to class in their integrated Little Rock high school. If "all republicans" were "white racists", Eisenhower could have just ignored the Supreme Court's ruling, and not enforced it with National Guard troops, and let the unenforceable law just blow over.

So, from an 8-year-old's puppet-trained mouth no less, this is just more slander of Republicans.