Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has released a new Spanish-language campaign ad in Florida entitled Mi Padre (My Father), featuring Romney’s son, Craig. Craig encourages voters to “get to know my father, Mitt Romney.” Romney himself then chimes in with: Soy Mitt Romney y apruebo este mensaje (I’m Mitt Romney and I approved this message). Watch it:

It’s interesting that Romney is so interested in reaching out to Latino voters in Spanish. In the past, he has been stridently English-only:


“English needs to be the language that is spoken in America. We cannot be a bilingual nation like Canada.” [3/07]

“You strengthen the American people by securing our borders and by insisting that the children who come legally to this land are taught in English.” [3/2/07]

In September, the Spanish-language television network Univision had to cancel a GOP presidential debate when only Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) agreed to attend.

But with the important Florida presidential primary — and its large number of Latino voters — approaching, the candidates are going all-out to pander for votes. Earlier this month, Giuliani also released a campaign ad en español on at least three Spanish-language television stations in Miami, despite his vocal support for English-only policies.