Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
The photo has apparently been making the rounds on conservative blogs before Drudge used it...

Um, yeah. We know that. If you go back and re-read the thread, on 02/24 I posted the pic and an article entitled "Barack Obama and His Support for Islamic Sharia Law and al Qaeda," with the notation that "It's from a blog, so take it for what it's worth..."

It wasn't until the next day that I noted that Hillary's campaign was apparently also distributing the photograph:

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

Heh. Guess who circulated the above photo: Barack Obama’s campaign is expressing outrage at a new photo attributed to Clinton campaign sources that depicts the Democratic presidential candidate dressed in Somali garb.

But you can't have it both ways, MEM. If it's a "hit piece" on Obama, that's the case no matter who posted it, including her royal thighness.

Personally, as noted above, I think Hillary's campaign was well within its rights to publicize it and agree with her camp when it argues that Obama "doth protesteth too much."

So I find it really funny that you're so blindly loyal to Hillary that you even defend and deny when she didn't do anything wrong.