Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Nice try G-man but when you have conservative bloggers saying we need to send this to Drudge & then he gets it, well your "I hate Hillary" motivated conspiracy theories look weaker than usual.

Supermarket tabloid The National Examiner reportedly ran the photo in its Feb. 4 issue. The photo appeared on right-wing message board Free Republic and conservative blog Sweetness & Light before Drudge picked it up. At least one Freeper recognized the need for wider distribution.
"Good Job," a user on Free Republic said Sunday to the person who posted the tabloid pic. "[I]t needs to get to Drudge,M.Malkin,Debbie Schussel etc....I want to see his explanation on this."

so basically regardless of how much evidence establishes that the clintons were behind it since they are denying it you are determined to stand by your [wo]man. times like this I wonder if you're really gay after all. then I look at hillary's photo and realize that probably wouldn't impact things either way.


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