No, Sammitch, don't you get it?

The VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACYTM first sent the photo to a tabloid owned by a Clinton supporter, KNOWING that the tabloid would publish it so they could then SCAN it and post it on a conservative blog and very PUBLICLY tell everyone who reads the blog that they should send it to Drudge.

The VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACYTM then, after publicly announcing their evil scheme on the aforementioned blog, thought it would be a good idea to pretend that they were from the Hillary camp, because, after all, it isn't like "Media Matters" or "Raw Story" monitor the conservative blogs all day to find shit like this out.

No, Sammitch, MEM got it all figured out. Acting on orders from Karl Rove and Haliburton, the VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACYTM constructed this elaborate plan to attack Hillary by making her opponent look like a 9/11 hijacker.

Damn. And we have gotten away with it too. If it wasn't for those meddling kids.