Funny thing is that THIS picture

appeared in a far right web site. But when the accusations of outright racism started, the picture remained but the caption changed to THIS:

2009 Inaugural, as imagined by unnamed Clinton staffers

So although I hate Hillary's guts, I think there is more happening here. It looks as if the right is simultaneously trying to smear Obama while blaming Hillary for it. Like killing 2 birds with one stone. Scurrilous low lives that they are, I wouldn't put it past them.

BTW who wrote that bullshit "Obama in Muslim garb" title?? I'm so glad the far right is going to continue to play the low life role seeing as how the electorate, an energized and inspired electorate at that, is vehemently rejecting that kind of politiking. It's sort of the 2008 version of shouting "i'm an asshole" from the treetops.