But even if they are, movies will always take a degree of artistic licence.
Maybe all the fanboys were crying that Batman had a symbol on his uniform that he never wore in the comics, or that the X-Men were not in yellow and blue!

Its just a movie, and I dont expect every finite detail to be perfect.
I'll just be happy if it is a decent popcorn flick that stays reasonably close to the source material.
And hey, if they can put some better costumes on the Minute Men, I aint gonna complain either!

Ozy though, I do think should be bigger and more imposing (plus he should be a lot better looking as he is sposed to be some kinda Adonis type character).

To me, the Comedian and Rorscach look spot on.
Niteowl II looks about as good as I would expect (once again, the comic book costume would not translate well to the screen).
The Silk Spectre costume actually looks better.