this is what Buster Olney has to say about the whole thing.....

"Shelley Duncan spiked Akinori Iwamura, in what appeared to be a clear case of retaliation, in the week after a Yankees prospect had his wrist broken when a Rays youngster tried to run him over. It's a classic example of how you can understand why folks on all sides of the action have done what they've done. Rays manager Joe Maddon has a young team that is trying to establish itself. He must love the aggressive play, and isn't about to tamp that down. On the other hand, you can understand why the Yankees would be upset that one of their players was needlessly injured in an exhibition game, in a clear violation of spring-training etiquette. Duncan answered, and Yankees manager Joe Girardi seemed on board with the action. Plus, from what I hear, some veteran Yankees were impressed that he was willing to go to the wall for a minor league player -- and got a sense of how much he has their backs. And the Rays' players probably like how Maddon backed them, as well. You can argue against one side or the other, but there is one point that is inarguable: This isn't over. There will be other incidents throughout the summer between these two teams. "

so basically it was a win win for both teams as far as trying to send a message to the teams.