Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
[Obama] only made the speech because he's been playing the race card both ways. In church it's the angry black man he nods his head to & for the wider audience we get this show.
Obama's unelectable Whomod, you might get him nominated but his connection to Wright & his lies about not knowing about Wright will keep him from getting elected.


And that's not even getting into the other issues Obama has waffled on, such as his 17-year association with Tony Rezko (who brokered Obama a sweetheart below-market deal in his house $300,000 below market value, no less, in joint purchase with Rezko, in addition to thousands more in donations over 17 years), wife Michell Obama's anti-american remarks, waffling on making over 100 "present votes" (not yes or no) to avoid having a record later that would haunt him, and still voting the Democrat base on abortion and other hot-button liberal-Democrat-base issues. Plus evasiveness about the level of muslim belief in his family, to the point that he was named Barach Hussein Obama.

Obama doesn't have to bemoan "racism". It's simple enough to let his subordinate followers do that for him, and give him plausible deniability, as he exploits it.