Originally Posted By: whomod

Listen , this is exactly what bugs me about this Wright thing. You MEM to me seem to be absolutely happy if this controversy continues t ohurt Obama because you're so committed to Hillary that even if she doesn't win the nomination, you want Obama hurt bad enough that he doesn't win the election.

I don't know if I would go so far to say I would be absolutley happy. I like & respect McCain so it's not like if Bush Jr was running again. I won't have any problem at all voting for him especially if my party changes the rules & gives Obama half the delegates from FL & MI.

[quote}it sort of reminds me of Hillary herself when she was trying to play on Obama's book title and said that he had audacity all right. Yeah, the audacity to challenge her coronation. And I think there lies all this hostility and spin. The fact that she was supposed to have been some foregone conclusion until a candidate that not only stepped up and filled the anti-Bush slot as Hillary was supposed to, but that he did so much more, he actually inspired people in a way not seen since JFK and Ronald Reagan. [/quote]

Didn't JFK & Ronald Reagan actually do things before they inspired? Obama supporters are very good at digging up the dead of anyone who earned their greatness & slapping it on Obama. I'm not impressed.

Hillary isn't entitled to be President but I think you need to remember that works both ways. She has every right to stay in the race & compete!

You know Hillary can NEVER be that person. The right hates her. The progressives hate her. the "center" voted for her because they were familar with her and she wasn't a Republican. And then they saw and heard Obama. So of course what else is there to do but to try to destroy that which Hillary can never hope to compete against. Not with her old style politicking and flat tired oratory.

I think you can take a quick scan of headlines & see that both of them are quite busy saying negative things about each other. Hillary however also finds time roll out an economic crisis plan in the midst of it all.

[quoteso if you want Obama to be so hurt that he goes down so she can challenge McCain in 4 years. That is 4 more years you're essentially giving the far right agenda. That's 4000 dead soldiers now on account of lies. That's an economy in ruins. That's the privatization of the Government. That's more tax breaks for the rich. It's not like if McCain is stepping up to challenge any of that anymore. I myself think this country has suffered enough and doesn't need any more of this just so Hillary can have a chance next time.[/quote]

If he had more experience & McCain was more like Bush you wouldn't have to worry about my vote. I don't want Obama hurt btw. Your reading to much into a post I think.

And that's pretty much what always bugged me about Republicans these past few years. Any abuse of the Constitution, of truth, of facts, and even morality, was excused and apologized and rationalized away because party was more important than country. With you, I see that a cult of personality is more important than party or country.

It's a bit of a stretch to say it's a cult of personality. I find that to be more of a case with Obama supporters. After all it was Obama who claimed he could get more of Hillary voters than she could get of his. Who's really for the issues? I see alot of people willing to throw not only Hillary under a bus for the new guy but also whole states.

Fair play!