Originally Posted By: whomod
So you disagree that white males primarily run things, political and financial? I fail to see where pointing that out is "racist".

The point was not that white people "primarily run things."

Nor was the point that greed in general is bad.

No, the point was that only the greed of one particular race, the "white" one, is bad.

Differentiating-- attacking-- on the basis of race...I think that counts as racism.

Furthermore, this is relevant because Obama has CLAIMED not to be aware of Wright's racial sermons. This proves he WAS aware, to the point of actually quoting one in his book.

Or is Obama going to claim he was asleep when his ghost writer put that passage in his book?

the larger point still stands though. The main 'legitimate' attack on Obama is based on what someone else, not Obama has said as they pore over his sermons and writings with a fine tooth comb hoping to find outrage to hurt Obama.

This is a far cry from Hillary where all you need is to juxtapose footage of her campaign speeches, which she herself said with file footage of what actually transpired.

Actually, it's very similar to what Hillary did.

Obama claimed to be unaware of what Wright said. Obama claimed that he was uncomfortable with that sort of rhetoric.

Now, all you need to do is juxtapose Obama's denials with the text of his book to show he wasn't being truthful.