Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
wow. racism and religious intolerance from you guys.
so what if he is a muslim. islam is ultimately just as crazy as any other religion. no more, no less. it's only that the people in the middle east live in a shitty desert with lots of violence that the religion gets the bad reputation but it's just another abrahamic religion.
it doesn't matter if he is a muslim, what matters is where he has lived and was raised. i doubt he lost family to the Israelis or to American intervention in the middle east. I doubt that any of the motives for terrorism exist. it just means he's boring at a party and is probably a bit too serious to have any real fun.
bush started wars which killed hundreds of thousands using very religious speeches to justify it (democracy is god's gift to the world isn't too far from a bin laden speech), yet none of you are railing against having a christian president.

i seriously doubt bush is a christian president, he vetoed a bill giving healthcare to millions of poor american children.