Originally Posted By: Whomod
You, in your hatred and fear of obama, are just willing to swallow any fanciful tale of race hatred and Muslim loyalties. Does anyone besides you deluded far right types,really think Obama doesn't love America?

Coulter is partisan, granted. If it were just her opinion, it could be dismissed, as you attempt to.

But she quotes Obama himself, from his own book.

It's not a "right wing delusion" that Obama sat in the gallery and listened to Rev. Wright's paranoid hate for 20 years.

As well as the many friends up through college who describe him as a "devout muslim" until he married his wife Michelle.

As well as Michelle's own anti-Americanism, that only when Obama ran for president could she be "proud to be American".

And all that's in addition to Obama's other scandals involving Tony Rezko, NAFTA/Canada/"don't worry it's just campaign rhetoric", etc.