Originally Posted By: whomod
Well, you're the one who keeps suggesting he's a "devout Muslim" as if that's a sign of pure evil or him trying to sneak in and convert us all to Allah.

Lets say that friends say he was a "devout catholic" before he became a Baptist, would you give a shit?

and let's not forget that it is YOU who repeatedly brings up 'Manchurian candidate' fear mongering, so it's clear you think Muslim=terrorist.

It's only clear that I think Obama has hidden loyalties, and hidden anti-American/anti-white/anti-European hatreds and hidden agendas of vengeance and revolution against said groups.

It's not that Obama is a muslim. The problem is that Obama is a CLOSET muslim, with hidden loyalties and a hidden agenda.

People who practice a peaceful form of islam that isn't attempting to overthrow western culture and establish Sharia law, are not of concern to me. A man who was raised a "devout muslim" who lies about ever being muslim, and has demonstrated the levels of hatred he has in his quoted book, toward white classmates and his own white mother, who were nice to him (!!) is of great concern to me.

That's not "fear" or "fearmongering", that's objectively looking at the facts.