Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has been pushing in recent days for President Bush to boycott the Olympics, and now Senator Barack Obama is suggesting a more cautious approach.

Mr. Obama said Wednesday that President Bush should leave open the option of boycotting the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games if the Chinese government did not take steps to help stop genocide in Darfur as well as improving human rights for the people of Tibet. Still, he said, a decision to boycott should be made closer to the Games.

“As I have communicated in public and to the President, it is past time for China to respect the human rights of the Tibetan people, to allow foreign journalists and diplomats access to the region, and to engage the Dalai Lama in meaningful talks about the future of Tibet,” Mr. Obama said in a statement. “I am also deeply concerned about China’s failure to support efforts to halt the genocide in Darfur.”

Now MEM, you see, he's not "copying" Clinton, he suggested something more measured and diplomatic and less knee jerk reactionary and pandering to her fast fading constituency. You in your rush to attack Obama and praise Hillary in her bold move failed to see this. BTW Pelosi made the boycott issue first before her, so I guess Hillary is copying Pelosi by your logic...

Explain to me how wise and Presidential it is to piss off the country who basically owns the United States and can inflict a world of hurt on us if they decide to call in their loans to us?

Hillary tries ad tries but for all her experience, she really makes the stupidest of moves, thinking it's going to work to her advantage.