Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

because i was correct and you didnt have an out.

I know that doesn't satisfy you because frankly nothing about Obama would satisfy you.

It was impressive and substantive as hell and a hell of a retort but you'll never acknowledge it.


TALK ABOUT THE "STRIGHT TALK EXPRESS!". This undoubtedly will now cause Hillary to retreat back to her pollsters and ad visors on how to counter this impressive bit of directness. Based on her Bosnia lie apology, I'm guessing it will take a while....

I honestly think we need to reassess that McCain supporter who referred to Obama as "Tiger Woods". He may be right but not for the cynical reasons that little turd wanted to convey. Just like Tiger Woods, Obama makes it look effortless. Here 2 candidates came at him, like starved lions, trying to paint him as "elitist"and Obama effortlessly swats it down and back at them. Honestly, we have never seen the like in modern politics. He turns negative attacks into net positives. If anyone still thinks Hillary is the better candidate, all you have to do is look at the Bosnia debacle and compare it to Wright or this "elitist" attack and see how each candidate handled it.