Why do they have to make any concessions since the entire arab word has us by the balls because of our dependence on their oil and it's us who are buying the means to our own demise.

I was struck how after being bitch slapped by his Arab masers after begging them to increase production, Bush then went on to say that we need alternate fuels and conservation.

Where the hell has he been all these years?

President Bush said Saturday that the Saudis' modest increase in oil production is "something but it doesn't solve our problem" of soaring gas prices.

Taking note of the kingdom's recent decision to raise production by 300,000 barrels a day, the president said the United States must act, too, to ease the gasoline crisis. He mentioned steps such as developing alternate fuels, improving conservation and expanding domestic exploration.

"We've got to do more at home," the president said on a lawn of a resort overlooking the Red Sea. He spoke after a private meeting with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.

I'm glad Bush gets these big ideas. Only many years AFTER everyone else does though.