You know if you move to a western country and insert yourself into their culture, I think you give up any right to bitch based on the nuances of your native culture.

If you wanted to be surrounded by that culture, and live by it's rules ... then why the hell did you move to a country populated by people that don't share those beliefs?

I'm sure Christians do things on a regular basis that offend Jews but you don't hear Jews pitchin' a bitch.

This is why I hate all religion. It defies logic on a regular basis, and not only that, but the religious expect you to jump off the crazy bridge with them every time you offend one of their ludicrous sensibilities.

It's a police dog. He's an officer of the law. Sworn to protect and serve, and from time to time, lick his balls. Just take heed of his message and go on with your day. God won't think any less of you, and more to the point, I won't think any less of you.