The more I think about it the more the finale felt hollow and stupid. The whole idea that the clone Doctor represented the Ninth Doctor before he met Rose and how the Tenth is so different doesn't hold up. He killed the Racnose (spider queen) and her kids which was also genocide. Blowing up Pompei also wiped out those stone aliens, who were the last of their kind. All were acts of genocide to save innocent lives and planets. And all were after Rose left the Doctor.

Also I'm tired of the sad goodbye to the companions in each finale. With Rose it was well done, Martha made sense, but now with Donna it just seems like a rehash of the old idea. Why not contract her for the Christmas episode at least so the season doesn't need to end on such a down note.

And I really hope the Daleks go away for several years. They're no longer special. The first few with Eccleston were good, the 2nd season Cyberman war was great, and even the Daleks in Manhatten was fun. But now they've dragged out all the big names and gotten rid of them. They need to let the Daleks rest and not find any more survivors for awhile, otherwise it'll become as silly as people finding Gilligan's Island every week.
Why not have some lost colony of Time Lords? That'd be a good story. Have the Doctor find them and then realize he doesn't like his people much and leave them again. They need to add some happiness to the show instead of constant mounting tragedy. Another reason I'm glad Moffet will be taking over. I loved the end of the Doctor Dances where "everyone gets to live." It's nice to have those stories instead of contant drama.

Bow ties are coool.