Pro broke iggy (again?)

Thanks for the heads up, I'll start referring to the Insurgency one as Fartspray.

This was originally a longer, more venom filled post, but I'll just stick to the kerygma of it.

Yes, you are right in saying I shouldn't bother. The Insurgents have proven themselves to be nothing but deluded sacks of shit that must desperately cling to fantasies of victory and betrayal to give themselves a phantasmic ideal of self-worth. And, when that fails, they try to bring in people's personal life, problems, livelyhood, address, or phonenumber (whether real or fake) to concoct some glorious scheme of vengeance all because they got their virtual butts hurt on the interwebs. It is sad. Really. Fucking. Sad.

Oh, fuck it. Apologies for the rant, people.

One guy can't get over the fact that he got heckled over a comic book character and has a block on his shoulder about it to this very day.

Another gets all in a tizzy because someone made an alt that really had neither jack nor shit to do with his real life daughter. Worst part about this one is that said poster probably went above and beyond what the sock fucker hoped for and organized a failed raid to defend his daughter's "interweb honor."

Yet another lives in this fantasy world of "not really caring" about the raid despite the fact that I was the one who stayed and yet he has more posts than me.

Seriously, one of these guys fucking gets behind on his work and sacrifices spending time with his kids to participate in a fucking internet flame war? Then, despite sacrificing time with his kids, has the audacity to tell me to do the right thing and hand over a fucking message board? What. The. Fuck?

Another poster thinks she has me all figured out and I did this because of jealousy. :facepalm: Honestly, I spent a good chunk of 2007 as a transient drunk. I got better. I've got a job. I'm renting a pretty decent house. I'm finishing my master's thesis. I've got a great woman. When things seemed bleakest in the real world, I picked myself up by my bootlaces and did what I had to do. I didn't turn to the internet to try and pick up a win because real life had just kicked the shit out of me. I turned around and kicked real life right back. Why would I be jealous?

And, while we are on the subject, I'm glad so many of you find my past problems with alcohol funny. Hell, I find some of the incredulous things I did as a drunken hobo pretty funny. Of course, our approach is differnt. You approach it as a way to mockingly get your jollies and some sad sense of self-worth because you got your virtual butt hurt on the internet. I see it as a dark part of my life that helped define who I am now, while appreciating the black humor of it all. But, let's get one thing straight, there is something funny about me passing out in a trash can. There is nothing funny about sacrificing the chance to spend time with your kids so you can desperately try to get a win. Seeing your kids for a weekend should be your big win.

So, go ahead and mock me. Spread this all over the Iconoclasts, Like It in the Ass, or whatever the fuck you guys are calling yourselves these days as the great sign of me being broken. But, remember, while you are all living in your sad, pathetic world of virtual victory; I wake up every day with the coolness, confidence, and desire to keep winning at life and, that is why myself and nearly everyone here at the RKMBs will always triumph over you. Because we don't need this win to signify a win in our lives. Our lives are so full of win that they signify themselves.

Fuck you.


November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.