i don't know why (but i know you'll tell me)... i'm really just not excited about this movie.

true, i never raved about watchmen as much as most internetty types. i think, mostly, its because i loooove batman too much! ...which isn't really it, but i know that'll be a response, too, so i was cutting to the chase.

actually, i think its moreso because i read the book so late into my comic book life. and, to me, part of the main appeal of watchmen is how un-comicbooky it was, "for the time." dark and realistic and grimm and deep. but having 10+ years of post-watchmen comics flood my brain before reading the original made it not seem that innovative.

plus, no batman.

so, i can appreciate the book now for having set the tone, but didn't get the impact that im sure most others did, and thus don't have the fondness for it.

all the same, i still would think i'd be hyped about the movie. i enjoyed 300 the book but really looked forward to the movie. same with sin city. this one, not so much. i think parts of the trailer look cool, i think parts of the trailer look awful. mostly, i just think it looks "meh" and i wish i didn't.

i've been pariahed.

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