See, you're back to trying to make the thread about Bush. Proving my point yet again.

Further making my point is the following:

Rumsfeld, et al, dealt with Saddam in the 1980s solely as a way to advance the interests of this nation against Iran. Later, when Hussein was revealed to be an enemy of our interests, they disavowed him and even went to war against him. In each case you attack them. Since you attack both their alliance with Saddam and their antipathy towards him, it would seem that it's another example of your "Damn Republicans no matter what" attitude. Or perhaps your "the enemy of the US is my friend" attitude.

In contrast, long after Ayers was revealed to be an enemy of our nation's interests, and even after Ayers refused to disavow his terrorist past, Obama made it a point to befriend him and, like Wright, treat him as a political mentor. And, it should be noted, I'm on record here as criticizing Bush for often prizing loyalty over competence, including with AG Gonzales.

But, as a I said before, don't worry. It's likely Obama will have to "disavow" this mentor for political expediency also.