Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
x sandy.

Don't jump on the bandwagon. Surprise me for once.

someone wasn't paying attention to the context. I realize marxist hippie fun land probably got under your skin,

Nice try, Phil. Should I retort by saying the Nazi comment got under yours?

but I wasn't questioning adler's patriotism (the level of which, I feel, is pretty self-evident)

No, you were attempting to define patriotism as a singular ideology that you happen to agree with, and he does not.

so much as I was questioning how the constructive part of his criticism pertained in any way to the actual United States as opposed to the idealized imaginary United States he so enjoys comparing everything to.

So, then what you're saying is because Ray finds flaw in how the Feds run the nation, but doesn't offer an exact, and perfect solution to said criticisms that you agree with, then he's wrong for criticizing at all?

call a spade a spade, I say. if he's really so adamant about his political convictions, he shouldn't be so ashamed of them that he has to try and write off his open dissent as some kind of bass-ackwards patriotism.

Newsflash chief: Open dissent is American patriotism. From origin to civil war to civil rights to protests, America is nothing but open dissent. Thus, you obviously didn't get my point...