Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins

As an Obama fan, though, I have to say I think the reactions I've seen have been pretty funny. The same people who have said over and over again that Obama is too inexperienced are out there saying that Palin is a great pick, because she's a new, fresh face.

I don't think anyone doubted that the liberal spin was going to be that she was inexperienced. However, the GOP isn't the party running an "inexperienced" candidate for president. Unlike the DNC, the Republicans have the experience on the top of the ticket, where it belongs.

Furthermore, at this point, she's the only candidate with any executive experience, including McCain (since he, Obama and Biden are all legislators)...unless you count Barack's work as a "community organizer" and sitting on that board with the terrorist as "executive" work.

 Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
And all the people who accused me of supporting Obama because I'm black are going to suddenly start looking the other way when the women's vote starts swinging to the right. People on this board included. I guarantee it.

I guess it depends on what you mean by "look the other way." I've already said that I fully expect some of the feminazis to crap their pants at this news, since their whole "women should vote for women" thing has suddenly come back to bite them. I think it's fucking hilarious, in fact.

Live by affirmative action, die by affirmative action, I guess.