Originally Posted By: Jason E. Perkins
 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

So race and age make them more likely to die? McCain is pretty healthy, you dont just fall over becasue your in your 70's, you could but you are as likely as if you are in your 50's if your healthy.

You do realize, of course, that you're trying to argue that McCain's advanced age doesn't make him more likely to die, right? I mean, I can understand it if you're trying to say he won't necessarily die. That's very true. But trying to say that a 72 year old is no more likely to die in the next 4 years than, say, a 50 year old?

Unless I missed something healthy black dudes in their 50's dont just fall over becasue they are black.

The increased likelihood of assassination based on Obama's race.

I'm saying that a healthy 72 year old is not much more likely to fall over than a healthy 50 year old yes. People in their 70's are more likely to be unhealthy than those in their 70's but from what I understand his health is fine(this might not be true).

You do realize of course you're trying to say that a racist has a better shot at killing our President than Al Queda, Iran, or even the KGB right? YOu think Al Queda doesnt want any US president dead? Leave it up to the left to find a racist nutjob more dangerous than Al Queda.