The San Francisco Chronicle even thought she was great before she was chosen:

Forget regional balance and those white guys in suits. Alaska's young, hot, Vogue-posing, female Republican governor could become the popular favorite to be Sen. John McCain's running mate.

Named by Alaska Magazine as "America's Hottest Governor," Palin (pronounced Pay-lin) is getting big buzz in the conservative press and talk radio. Fans have a "Draft Sarah Polin" movement. What better balance for the 71-year-old nominee who could be facing a 46-year-old phenomenon?

A former athlete and beauty queen, Palin's approval ratings hover in 90 percent zone. Take that Barack. She was born in 1964 (1936 for McCain) and has four kids named Bristol, Piper, Track, and Willow. She could win Marin County on that alone. Plus a handsome fisherman hubby known as "First Dude."

Palin became a public hero taking on special interests, who practically own the Alaska political establishment. Forced to resign from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski about corruption,she was banished to the political wilderness before coming back to defeat Murkowski in the GOP primary.

Palin forced the Alaska legislature into special session to increase oil taxes -- yes, that's oil taxes -- in Alaska, a Republican welfare state. And she vetoes public works projects.