My memory isn't what it used to be (and it was never that great to begin with) but I distinctly remember that where it reads "New Posts Since Your Last Visit", that the phrase was followed by the word "beeyotch" and a cute little winking smiley face.

Also, upon logging out, I was greeted by the word "POICE" (IN CAPS LOCK, MIND YOU) but now that message seems to be missing as well.

So if you sign my petition to bring back these colorful expressions, you beeyotch, I'll wish POICE on you.

And to all a goodnight,

Are you smoking crack?
nowhereman is a scab!!! scaaab!!!
Rob is a turd,T-U-R-D,turd!
dont listen to him and his scab ways!


I hope that I'm not the only one who remembers what I'm referring to...

It read "POICE" when you logged out: POICE! Get it? Instead of "peace"! AHAHAHA!

The "beeyotch" thing was pretty funny, too.

So what happened, Rob?

look around, my observant friend.
leaving?? ok, screw you! POICE!!

Nicely played, my dear man.

you, alright?

i learned it from watching you.

Yeah,he watches through your bedroom window at night!
Wait til you see the photo`s he has taken!
Never trust a moderator!
You're a moderator?
Somewhere,just not here,but dont tell anyone else!

Rob Kamphausen said:
you, alright?<p>
i learned it from watching you.

Three years later, I still find that funny.
back when things were fun
I'm having the time of my life!
those were the days
We thought they would never end.
its true.