Posted By: MisterJLA Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 4:16 AM
I think it should be retired at 10,000 posts...
Posted By: Pig Iran Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 4:19 AM
haven't all the alts?
Posted By: mxy Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 4:24 AM
I'm Mxy!

Pig Iron said:
haven't all the alts?

That's crazy!
NO! You are the one who has run your course!
Mein Gott!
People never get tired of really, really good looking alts.
And here I thought Danny was a fucktard.
This thread is the shit, yo!
he is
Posted By: TP-069 Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 4:38 AM
Quiet! I'm trying to picture my imaginary girlfriends.
Posted By: Burt Ward Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 4:38 AM
attention whores
Hmm...threads created BY me often get very few posts, while threads ABOUT me do well??

This is most unusual.
fuck off Donnie.
what's the dillio?
Posted By: ProX Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 5:50 AM
! oot sdrawkcab klat nac I
Hello, Beardedguy.
At the time of this post, the poll is 8 - 5 against me. Still, had such a thread and poll been made 18 months ago, it might have been more like 10 - 3 against me.

My limited but steady online popularity speaks for itself.
it worn itself out by post #2
Truer Question: Has the rack point run its course?!?
Thank you, Elisa.
Posted By: Glacier16 Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 9:06 PM
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Has the Beardguy alt run its course...? - 2006-10-06 9:06 PM

PrincessElisa said:
Truer Question: Has the rack point run its course?!?

No, but you FUCKING Gary Coleman has...
Beardguy couldn't run if a naked and erect Denzel Washington was jogging backwards in front of him. He'd hyperventilate, just running a bath.