Stuff that they never ran commercials of when I was growing up, and really until the last 10 years or so.

Among them, trans-vaginal mesh!

Erectile dysfunction.

Herpes of the eye!

Urine flow.

It occurs to me that many of these could double as the new names for aging rock bands. Most of these band members are in their 50's 60's and 70's, and these could be the angst-y names for the issues and frustrations of aging men.

[stage announcer: ] "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome... Urine Flow!"

For an older female rock band:

Vaginal Dryness.


That's the new term they've coined for products that make you poop on a regular basis.
Other words that WB would have trouble explaining:
Racial tolerance
 Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Racial tolerance

That vaginal dryness just makes you cranky.