through some sort of accident, a small patch of kim chee found its way to my pee pee. It stings.
How much did this accident cost the American tourist?

And did Lothar pay you in full?
That was Lothar?

He said his name is Stacy.
That's what happens when you don't make sure your Asian hooker is clean.
SoM and doc are trying to blame me for something bad they did to SoM's wiener!
Were you eating Korean food with your fly undone and sans underpants?

Is Korean food like Klingon food, where when you eat it, it tries to bite you back?

I can see where that would present a danger to your unprotected nether regions.
I was just washing a bunch of jars used to ferment kimchi, so we can sell it instead of throwing it in the bin. One of them still had a bunch and I accidentally spilled it on my clothes, which went down to my pants and reached my nether regions.
That's the better story to tell your health insurance than what really happened.
what's a health insurance?
In your country I imagine it being an old woman in a hut decorated with animal parts and something unpleasant burning in a fire pit.
Oh, that old woman.
In America we call that an HMO.