Posted By: First Amongst Daves Avengers Arena - 2013-08-21 10:26 AM
Anyone reading it?

I took at look at the tpb today and almost bought it. I always liked the promise of what Arcade can deliver with Murderworld. And X-23 doesn't mess around. I decided to go and get some feedback on it before I parted with my hard-earned coin...
Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People Re: Avengers Arena - 2013-08-22 3:25 AM
I have been reading it and enjoying it. These are mostly new characters for me so I don't get to sad when one of them dies or turns evil or something. I like that it's not just a kill someone every issue comic. There is an actual story here. It's a fun read.
Posted By: klinton Re: Avengers Arena - 2013-08-23 6:10 AM
I hate most of the kids, and one of the two I did like got full 'shunked' (a bit of a jaw dropping moment for me, actually...I was stunned), but the book has been a solid read with every issue.

A great deal more thought goes into the actions and motivations of these kids than most comics you'll read. I'd strongly recommend it.
Posted By: First Amongst Daves Re: Avengers Arena - 2013-08-27 1:29 PM
OK, will check it out. Thanks, chaps.