Posted By: First Amongst Daves Morning Glories - 2013-10-06 5:28 PM
I heard this was good.

I bought the collected edition.

Couldn't make it through the second issue. Dumb. Super creepy school. Kids coping with murder, torture, their parents forgetting who they are, some other shit.

Anyone else?
Posted By: klinton Re: Morning Glories - 2013-10-06 9:34 PM
I've been reading it since day one. It's frustrating because the art is substandard a lot of the time, and you're dealing with a large cast of characters (future/past versions of the ame characters, as well as characters that look similar and even in story twins). The story itself is insanely convoluted and requires re-reading past issues over and over to follow.

Issue #22 nearly had me dropping the book. It had several pages presented in six different languages with no translation in sight. It was just convolution for the sake of it.

I'm teetering on dropping it entirely. It feels more like work to read than entertainment, and my favorite character is dead now anyhow.
Posted By: Son of Mxy Re: Morning Glories - 2013-10-07 12:21 AM
for horror, why not try Hack/Slash and the Goon? The former gave me the impression that it's just fanservice (due to the protagonist's choice in clothing) but it's actually kind of good. Plays on a lot of slasher and horror cliches.
Posted By: MisterJLA Re: Morning Glories - 2013-10-10 2:12 AM
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
for horror, why not try "Rob's Blog" written by the Goon? Rob's Blog gave me the impression that it's just fanservice (due to the protagonist's choice in clothing ) but it's actually kind of good. Plays on a lot of Nintendo fanboy cliches.
Posted By: Pariah Re: Morning Glories - 2013-10-10 4:55 AM
Just read a Wiki on it. It sounds silly.