2 arrested in ‘anti-white’ shooting of jogger in Central Park

  • Cops arrested two alleged ‘anti-white’ thugs who shot a woman in Central Park with a pellet gun and police sources said they have been linked to a few other pellet gun shootings around the city.

    The victim, 36, told police she was jogging near midnight in the far southern end of the park, on the West Drive near West 60th Street, when a pellet hit her in the back of the head August 23, cops said.

    She turned and saw a group of five people — three men and two women — “laughing and making anti-white statements,” the police said. “The suspects then fled further into the park.”

    “You white bitch,” one of the female suspects said, according to police sources. After the shooting, the suspects fled into the park, police said.
    Investigators are still doing line-ups and seeking a third suspect who has not yet been identified

I am SURE this will get at least as much coverage in the mainstream press as the Ferguson shooting, the Trayvon shooting, etc.

You forgot to include a to underscore the obvious, that the [liberal] media won't.

The fact that it isn't even mentioned in the New York Times or Washington Post already demonstrates the media has no interest in the story.
Hell, they wouldn't even cover the 20-year-old unarmed white kid in Salt Lake City who was shot by a black cop. Oh wait, excuse me, a non-white cop. It's laughable the lengths the liberal media goes to in efforts to downplay a black-on-white police shooting, even when they don't just selectively omit coverage of it altogether.