Posted By: Matter-eater Man Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-06 2:29 AM
So apparently according to Trump this year illegal immigration is surging. He also says it's at a record low. Does this make sense to anybody?
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-06 4:51 AM

It was at a record low, but while lower than under Obama, in the last month border arrests surged 200% because of Democrat opposition to building a wall. There are mobs of Central America immigrants either on the way or soon to follow if the first wave is successful. So the time is now to make clear they are not going to get in.

We all know that your side is looking for all the Undocumented Democrats they can possibly let in.

Tucker Carlson had another excellent report on illegal immigration tonight. Pointing out that there are about 2 and a half million illegals in California, 1 million of whom have California driver licenses (the first step to being able to vote in CA, the second just filling out a voter registration form and check a box they are a U.S. citizen, without requiring any documentation to prove they are citizens.)
Posted By: Matter-eater Man Re: Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-06 4:55 AM
Ah so it's the Dems fault. My guess is you will be using that a lot while fat fuck is in office. The wave coming isn't going to be stopped with partisan finger pointing WB
Posted By: the G-man Re: Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-06 5:56 AM
fat fuck

Body shaming...
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-07 1:37 AM

You really diminish only your own opinion calling the President a "fat fuck" and similar insults M E M.

In describing a president and administration I didn't like, even as intensely as I hated Obama and his hellish minions, I limited myself to describing the actions that made Barack Obama so vile, as a leftist-indoctrinated America-hating Cultural Marxist who surrounded himself his entire adult life and his White House with America-hating Marxists. Those are facts, not insults or speculation or slander.

If limiting your attacks on Trump to sexual allegations, you have to acknowledge that the very worst alleged about Trump, even if all true, pales beside what has been proven about Bill Clinton, and about wife Hillary, who led the charge to attack and publicly destroy these women for two decades, essentially assaulting them a second time herself.

Rather than thinking of Trump as "the piece of shit" or "fat fuck", I think of him as "the most accomplished first-year president of my lifetime", that according to the Heritage Foundation successfully passed 63% of his campaign agenda his first year, higher than even Ronald Reagan (Reagan passed 53% his first year).
Would that the nation had more "fat fucks" like this.
Posted By: Wonder Boy Re: Trump vs Obama on immigration - 2018-04-07 3:24 AM

Tucker Carlson had great statistics on immigration last night (Thursday, April 5, 2018)

As did Laura Ingrahams's program, (guest hosted by Katie Pavelich.)

And Lou Dobbs, in particular the exact numbers in crime committed in Texas by illegals in murders, rapes, kidnappings, violent assaults and other crimes. Over all 250,000 criminals, for 650,000 individual crimes.

All solicited by the "caravan" of 1,000 or so Central American refugees traveling through the U.S., and the 200% spike in illegals caught on the border in the month the Senate and Congress wavered on building the wall, and Trump assigning several thousand National Guard troops to secure the Mexican border until a wall is built. And conservative media on these programs laying out the clear case for Trump's actions.