I posted this elsewhere, about Democrat threats and escalating violence:


No one too important being threatened, just the Republican Senate majority leader.

Another aspect of it is that McConnell posted video of the threats, and Facebook shut down his web page over posting it, and would not allow his page to be reinstated until he took down the post.

In other words, they suppressed McConnell's ability to inform the public of the threats against him. Because the liberal media sure as hell won't report it.

Increasingly, far-left-run social media have been working in unison with the Democrats and liberal media to silence and marginalize conservative opinion and news.

Youtube shuts down accounts of conservatives to prevent them from informing the public through their videos and comments. I'm a personal recipient of this. After 11 years on Youtube without incident, I suddenly received notice that my Youtube account is "suspended", for "violation of Youtube user policy", and I have absolutely no doubt it is for posting pro-Trump views and links to pro-Trump facts and information.
I can still watch videos, but I cannot see my user history and comments, or post comments or "likes" to videos. But the Youtube comments of people threatening to kill me, or posting "Jews are a cancer on the earth", or comments by liberals who talk about killing Republicans or wishing they were dead in response to my comments, are still there. But my fact-citing and source-linked responses are all no longer visible.
Also at Youtube, I notice that all of a sudden it is harder to find Fox News programs in a Youtube search.
For example any Fox News programs such as Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham, the Five, Greg Gutfeld or Special Report (Fox's flagship 6PM broadcast with Brett Baier), where you used to be able to go back and view programs days or weeks later, now only show for about 48 hours maximum.
Specifically, I can Youtube-search "HANNITY Aug 7 2019" and it currently shows this...
...where multiple people have posted the entire program for that date, 35 or 42 minutes or so broadcasts without commercials, some less complete, but essentially the complete show. But 48 hours from now, the videos will still be there, but for the running time it will not show "42:00", it will instead show "00:02", and the program will only show for 2 seconds. Still showing up in the search page, but defacto deleted and unviewable. And every single posted video of the program will be like that, collapsed to 2 seconds, unviewable.
But a week or a month or 6 months from now, you'll still be able to pull up any full program for any date of Anderson Cooper or Don Lemon or any program on CNN....
...still viewable in their entirety, NOT collapsed to 2 seconds, NOT essentially deleted.

Likewise Facebook. Multiple House and Senate Republicans have had their Faceebook pages shut down or shadow-banned so that no one can see their information. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Derek Gaetz, Devin Nunes... just by mere coincidence, the House Republicans who are at the center of exposing the DOJ/FBI/James Comey/Hillary Clinton/ Fusion GPS/Christopher Steele/FISA court abuse that rigged the Hillary Clinton investigation, and set up an "inssurance policy" to cripple Trump's presidency.
Just by mere coincidence.
A Facebook suspension or shadow-banning "error" that doesn't happen to any Democrat House or Senate member.

Likewise Twitter.

Likewise Google.
Google searches have newly created algorithms that are designed to filter out access to conservative facts. And Google represents 90% of all online searches.

A researcher named Epstein has testified that going into the 2020 election, social media manipulation could manipulate and suppress one side of the political debate, and result in a shift of 15 million votes in favor of the Democrats.
Short of this kind of a social media coup to thwart the will of the American people, it is clear that for all their demagoguery and incendiary rhetoric and hysterics, the Democrats will lose in Nov 2020, at a level comparable to 1972 or 1984.

Only by cheating with this kind of abuse of their tech power can Democrats possibly win the 2020 election.
And they are pumped up for the mission, and moving in that direction, as multiple insiders in the the tech field have voiced alarm about.

Tucker Carlson has stories and guests on this subject almost nightly.
As do other Fox News programs.
Likewise OANN.
CNN and MSNBC... silence. Predictably. Viva la revolucion!

Project Veritas, Google whistleblower reveal plot for 2020 election.
(American Spectator)

Well. Shocking… but not shocking at all.

Project Veritas and founder James O’Keefe have scored a scoop from an identified Google whistleblower, replete with video and inside documents. Here’s the Project Veritas headline and story:
  • Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam

The story begins this way:

  • (New York City) — Project Veritas has released a new report on Google which includes undercover video of a Senior Google Executive, leaked documents, and testimony from a Google insider. The report appears to show Google’s plans to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections and “prevent” the next “Trump situation.”

The report includes undercover footage of longtime Google employee and Head of Responsible Innovation, Jen Gennai, saying:

“Elizabeth Warren is saying we should break up Google. And like, I love her but she’s very misguided, like that will not make it better it will make it worse, because all these smaller companies who don’t have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation, it’s like a small company cannot do that.”

Said Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe:

“This is the third tech insider who has bravely stepped forward to expose the secrets of Silicon Valley. These new documents, supported by undercover video, raise questions of Google’s neutrality and the role they see themselves fulfilling in the 2020 elections.”

Jen Gennai is the head of “Responsible Innovation” for Google, a sector that monitors and evaluates the responsible implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. In the video, Gennai says Google has been working diligently to “prevent” the results of the 2016 election from repeating in 2020:

“We all got screwed over in 2016, again it wasn’t just us, it was, the people got screwed over, the news media got screwed over, like, everybody got screwed over so we’re rapidly been like, what happened there and how do we prevent it from happening again.

“We’re also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 happened
again, would we have, would the outcome be different?”

So with all those investigations into interference by Russians in the 2016 election — will there be a congressional investigation into Google? In fact, Google executive Gennai already has an answer on what happens when Congress requests Google execs to show up for a hearing:

“We got called in front of Congress multiple times, so we’ve not shown up because we know that they’re just going to attack us. We’re not going to change our, we’re not going to change our mind. There’s no use sitting there being attacked over something we know we’re not going to change. They can pressure us but we’re not changing. But we also have to be aware of what they’re doing and what they’re accusing us of.”

The anonymous Google insider, whose identity and voice were shadowed and changed to protect him, also said in his detailed interview with O’Keefe that the Google-owned YouTube has deliberately targeted Dennis Prager’s “Prager U” and conservative talker Dave Rubin for content suppression because they are “right-wing.” Not to put too fine a point on this, but in some real time searching the contents of YouTube and just what the heck is on there one of the answers is — pornography. Lots of it. Suffice to say Prager U and Dave Rubin would seem to be the least of the site’s content problems.

As noted in this space a while back, Google was revealed by the Daily Caller to have blacklisted The American Spectator and several other conservative sites.

Not only is Google about blacklisting, an internal document, found here, makes it plain that basic facts will be manipulated to fit the far left wing’s social justice agenda. The document says this: “If a representation is factually accurate, can it still be algorithmic unfairness?”

The document defines “algorithmic unfairness” this way:

“algorithmic unfairness” means unjust or prejudicial treatment of people that is related to sensitive characteristics such as race, income, sexual orientation, or gender, through algorithmic systems or algorithmically aided decision-making.”

By way of example the document says:

… imagine that a Google image query for “CEOs” shows predominantly men. Even if it were factually accurate representation of the world, it would be algorithmic unfairness because it would reinforce a stereotype about the role of women in leadership positions.

Got that? Facts — reality — are “algorithmic unfairness” if they do not promote the far left wing’s social justice agenda. Identity politics is all.

What we have here with this newest undercover work from Project Veritas is exactly what the Google whistleblower says it is: fascism. Fascism straight up. The Googler compares what’s going on inside Google to the famous George Orwell 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Recall that Orwell’s book originated the concept of “doublethink,” defined this way, bold print for emphasis supplied:

The power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.… To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just as long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies — all this is indispensably necessary. Even in using the word doublethink it is necessary to exercise doublethink. For by using the word one admits that one is tampering with reality; by a fresh act of doublethink one erases this knowledge; and so on indefinitely, with the lie always one leap ahead of the truth.

Clearly, at Google “doublethink” is called “algorithmic unfairness.”

All of this kind of fascistic-type behavior is drawing the attention of Congress. Considering the free speech implications, it will have to tread very carefully. But without doubt, this report from Project Veritas will make an impact on a discussion about the clear intent of Google to use its size and massive technology to manipulate the 2020 election.

Whomever this Google whistleblower is, he has done his country a tremendous service. The question now is — what to do about it.


As if eager to prove exactly the point of the blockbuster Project Veritas video that shows Google determined to manipulate the 2020 election [American Spectator article above], the Google-owned YouTube has now banned the Project Veritas video that shows two Google employees discussing just why and how the manipulation will be done.

Instead of letting the Project Veritas video remain on YouTube as an example of Google’s commitment to free speech, with an Orwellian swiftness the video was ordered to be taken down. More Google fascism on vivid display.

The video can still be found here on the Project Veritas site.


As tech giants like Facebook and Google have come under increasing fire from elected officials, a new poll shows the majority of American voters think that the social media giants have a systematic bias against conservative views.

In a new Hill.TV American Barometer survey, 58 percent of registered voters think that social networks are unfair to conservatives, while 42 percent said they believed conservatives were more likely to promote false stories that deserved removal from public circulation.

Unsurprisingly, the poll was heavily divided along party lines.

Respondents who self-identified as Republicans were overwhelmingly likely, 83 percent to 17 percent, to see tech companies as being biased against conservatives. While a majority of Democrats, 62 percent, said that conservative commentators were more likely to spread misinformation, while only 38 percent said they saw social networking sites as being biased against conservatives. A majority of independents, 58 percent saw unfairness while 42 percent said conservatives were more likely to propagate falsehoods.

Republican political figures and activists have increasingly targeted large tech firms for bias as a number of high-profile right-wing commentators have been banned from social media sites. Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, a staunch advocate for President Trump, has been one of the most vocal critics.

The veteran radio host turned up in Washington on Tuesday to lodge complaints against Google CEO Sundar Pichai after the internet giant banned him from YouTube.

"You have to look at the fact that social media has been weaponized," Republican strategist Ed Goeas said Thursday on "What America's Thinking." "And I think they're trying to clean that up a little bit, so I don't know that it's necessarily targeted at conservative or liberal as much as how do we kind of lay down the arms and actually have it serve as a communication need."

Conservative complaints against alleged censorship efforts are an echo of their long-standing complaints against large media organizations, which they have claimed are biased in favor of liberal interests. GOP elected officials have thus far responded in the same way by lodging numerous criticisms but refusing to take regulatory or legislative action.

On Monday, Wired magazine reported that Google has worked closely with Republican officials and activists to promote its interests by appealing to conservative skepticism toward government intervention in the economy.

In August, President Trump threatened Google at a White House event, saying that it was "really taking advantage of a lot of people" by allegedly manipulating search results to be more negative about him.

"I think that Google and Twitter and Facebook, they are really treading on very, very troubled territory and they have to be careful. It is not fair to large portions of the population," Trump said.

Pichai and other tech executives have strongly denied their companies deliberately discriminate against conservatives but privately many have expressed concern that efforts to eliminate fake news and defamatory postings often inadvertently ensnare more legitimate conservative opinion.

In February, Wired reported that Facebook changed its policies to become more permissive toward dubious websites under pressure from Republican elected officials. The report said the changes made it easier for Russian social media trolls to spread disinformation during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.

A 2017 Harvard University study of millions of social media posts found that several of the most popular websites among conservatives during the last presidential election frequently posted stories that were fabricated or poorly fact-checked.

In response to alleged left-wing censorship, several right-leaning entrepreneurs have started up their own social networks. Thus far, however, they have failed to develop large audiences. Others, such as the Twitter alternative Gab, have been overwhelmed with neo-nazis and self-described fascists.

Progressive groups have disputed conservative claims of social media favoritism, arguing instead that far-right outlets receive greater distribution on Facebook and elsewhere.

The American Barometer poll, which was conducted Dec. 7-8 by HarrisX for Hill.TV, found that members of Generation Z, people born in the mid-1990s and early 2000s, were the only age group that believed social media companies were not biased against conservatives.

Baby Boomer respondents were the most likely to say that Republicans were being unfairly targeted by tech companies. Sixty-two percent of the older age group said they perceived anti-conservative bias while only 48 percent of Generation Z respondents agreed.

The survey, which was conducted among a statistically representative of online users, has a sampling margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

— Matthew Sheffield

I'm less concerned with public perception than with actual facts of conspiracy on the part of tech giants.

But it does show that a majority of the public, even a large ratio of independents and Democrats, as well as Republicans, can plainly see there is a tech/social media bias.

The Purge: YouTube Mass-Censors Conservatives, New Right, Classical Liberals


by Allum Bokhari
1 Mar 20184,153

YouTube is purging right-wing and independent commentators in the wake of the Parkland High shooting while admitting that it is mistakenly banning conservatives.

Independent journalist Mike Cernovich reported earlier today that a video he uploaded of left-wing Antifa activists chanting death threats had been taken down by YouTube. The video shows Antifa shouting violent threats at attendees of Cernovich’s Night for Freedom event in Washington DC, which took place on Saturday. Cernovich commented to Breitbart News on YouTube’s removal, saying, “YouTube is censoring honest, unedited reporting about ANTIFA’s actions. This can mean only one thing — they endorse far left wing violence.”


Google, which owns YouTube, has also banned political YouTube star and classical liberal Carl Benjamin, better known by his online pseudonym “Sargon of Akkad.”

Although his videos are still available to view, he has been locked out of his Google account, including YouTube, and is unable to upload new videos. Benjamin was also permanently banned from Twitter last year — Facebook is now the only major social media platform that he can use to get his message out.

In a comment to Breitbart News, Benjamin said the ban, which mirrored that of Canadian academic Jordan Peterson last August, was the beginning of a “platform-wide purge.”

“As James Damore’s lawsuit against Google has shown, the entire company is riddled with a far-left ideological orthodoxy that has taken hold to a radical degree,” said Benjamin.

“Google’s active suppression of individualist ideas within its own ranks has caused classical liberal and conservative commentators to be considered as far-right as Nazis, and are being treated with the same kind of prejudice and ruthlessness.”

Earlier this week, we reported on the censorship of Ashton Whitty, a conservative vlogger and Berkeley student. After Whitty uploaded a video criticizing CNN over their coverage of the Parkland shootings, YouTube took down her video and issued her channel with a “strike.” If a channel receives three strikes within three months, it can be permanently banned from the platform. Although the initial video was restored and the strike removed, the same thing happened to another of Whitty’s videos within a few hours.

The YouTube purge has also hit InfoWars, a popular alternative media channel run by radio host Alex Jones, who interviewed Donald Trump while he was still a candidate. InfoWars’ YouTube channel, which has more than 2 million subscribers, has now been blocked for two weeks over accusations that it posted “conspiracy theories” about Parkland. If it receives one more strike within three months, the channel will be permanently banned.

In a comment to Breitbart News, InfoWars Editor-at-Large and YouTube star Paul Joseph Watson said Google’s unchecked power and influence over civil discourse required regulation.

“Google is a monopoly, and its anti-free speech policies are beginning to erode the sanctity of civil discourse,” said Watson. “We need some kind of constitutional amendment or mass movement, such as the one against SOPA, in order to re-assert the supremacy of free expression.”

“YouTube admitting they made a “mistake” in terminating some accounts and content does offer a glimmer of hope that there are some rational actors within the company.”

“However, this speaks to the wider phenomenon of how society has become so coddled and infantilized, that stridently challenging the views of public figures is now being treated as ‘bullying’ and ‘harassment.'”

Watson warned that the “fury” caused by mass censorship on social media platforms would only increase the same “hyper-partisan tensions” that the big tech companies claim to oppose.

A YouTube spokeswoman recently admitted that some videos were being removed in error, attributing it to teething problems caused by their recent hiring of 10,000 new human moderators.

“Newer members may misapply some of our policies resulting in mistaken removals” admitted the spokeswoman. “We’ll reinstate any videos that were removed in error.”

At a Senate hearing last month, Sen. Ted Cruz called out YouTube’s alleged ideological bias, highlighting Prager University’s lawsuit against the company over censorship of conservatives. Cruz told a YouTube representative that if the platform did not remain politically neutral, they could lose legal immunity for user content under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act. Without this protection, social media companies would be legally liable for all content posted on their platforms – an existential threat to their business model.

Update — InfoWars contributor Jerome Corsi reports that his YouTube account has been terminated.

Another search engine you can use as an alternative to Google is Duckduckgo.com



Published on Jun 10, 2019

Former Google engineer Mike Wacker speaks to FOX Business after he was fired for exposing the company’s political bias, just a day after appearing on “Trish Regan Primetime.”

Google whistleblower fired after speaking to Fox returns to air

Published on Jun 25, 2019

Tucker examines Google's algorithms and how they benefit Democrats ahead of 2020. #Tucker #FoxNews

Tucker: Google wants to hack 2020 election

The best video I've seen on the subject so far:

Google: The Monster That Has To Be Destroyed

And as cited in the video, Youtube is owned by Google, the two most dominant sites on the internet.

Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are working in unison to silence and de-platform any conservative opinion, news and information. Right before the 2020 election.

Unknown to me before, and just as alarming to me, is that Google/Youtube/Facebook/Twitter are doing the same to conservative political groups in nations throughout Europe.
And likely, the rest of the world.

Imagine if Hillary Clinton were president, and there was absolutely no resistance to this power-grab.

Even M E M should be alarmed by this. Because first they come for the Republican conservatives, and then they come after and de-platform and enable the call for violent crushing of any Democrat/liberal faction that breaks the slightest from liberal authoritarian orthodoxy.
You're seeing that already, with the targeting of Democrat 2020 candidates these elites are trying to destroy, because they aren't seen by elites as liberal or progressive enough. And you're seeing the exact same vicious total war tactics unleashed on them as on any Republican. The Jacobinist reign of terror will not spare you either.

Senator McConnell's Twitter paage was put back up, without deleting the video of the vulgar mob outside his house screaming obscenities and death threats, that McConnell was pressured to take down by Twitter.
Twitter has caved in to pressure, as it has put their unethical behavior in the public spotlight, and that spotlight wasn't going away until they did the right thing.

The incredible irony and unfairness.
Twitter leaves up pages for Antifa making threats and plotting violence.

Twitter leaves up pages for the lawless mob threatening McConnell right outside his house, threatening to kill him, and even enables the trending hashtag, #MassacreMitch

And then ironically, when McConnell simply posts and exposes the death threats and violence and uncivility threatened against him, that Twitter labels as violent content and shuts down his Twitter page!
While leaving those threatening McConnell to continue to do so, without any penalty or suspension of their accounts!
No Twitter bias toward conservatives. None whatsoever!

It violated their terms of use. Twitter should apply their rules fairly and consistently of course. For Moscow Mitch and others howling with rage about this should consider how unequal our justice system is to non-wealthy people.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It violated their terms of use. Twitter should apply their rules fairly and consistently of course. For Moscow Mitch and others howling with rage about this should consider how unequal our justice system is to non-wealthy people.

That's crap.

Antifa and the intimidating mob outside McConnell's house are literally plotting violent attacks on McConnell and others, and McConnell is "in violation" for simply exposing the threats made against him (using Twitter to expose what CNN, MSNBC and the combined liberal media selectively ignore and don't report)?

That doesn't pass the smell test.
Twitter allows violence and threats on their site against conservatives, and then locks down McConnell's page (and pages of millions of other Republican conservatives) in a blatant power grab to silence conservative speech and opinion.

"Moscow Mitch" is likewise incendiary and blatantly false.

You hide the treason of your own party (Diane Feinstein, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Clintons, Joseph Biden and sons, the Steele "Russia Dossier used to obtain illegal FISA warrants to spy on the Trump campaign, to attempt rigging the 2016 election), by manufacturing absolutely false and outrageously unproven allegations on Republicans.

I shit on the integrity of the Democrat leadership, lying criminal ultra-left America-hating socialist power seizing Bolsheviks, who truly want to destroy this country, and turn it into Cuba or Venezuela.

And you, like a willing zealot of Che Guevarra, are eagerly repeating their lying propaganda. Viva la Revolucion!

Reza Aslan Calls For Genocide Against Trump Supporters


Ian Miles Cheong, August 6, 2019

CNN contributor and liberal intellectual Reza Aslan is calling for the “eradication” of Trump supporters. In a series of aggressive tweets directed toward the President and those who voted for him, Aslan remarked – in response to the mass shooting in El Paso – that President Donald Trump “is a white nationalist terror leader.”

Arguing that there was “no longer any room for nuance” – words that are remarkably similar to Dayton shooter Connor Betts’ calls for violence on Twitter – Reza openly called for the genocide of Trump supporters.

“The President is a white nationalist terror leader. His supporters – ALL OF THEM – are by definition white nationalist terror supporters. The MAGA hat is a KKK hood. And his evil, racist scourge must be eradicated from society.”

In the same series of tweets, Aslan called Kellyanne Conway ” ’the depraved evil’ we need to eradicate,” following her remarks that America needed to come together in the wake of the mass shooting. The CNN contributor took her call for the eradication of hate and turned it upon her with a call for the eradication of a group of people – Trump supporters – of which Conway is a part.

Aslan also slammed Ivanka Trump’s denouncement of white supremacist ideology, referring her and her entirely family as “white supremacist” despite the Jewish heritage of Ivanka’s husband Jared Kushner and their extended family.

Armed with dehumanizing language, Aslan’s call for the “eradication” of the Left’s political opponents and his characterization of Trump supporters as an “evil, racist scourge” is rooted in the language of Holocaust proponents and other architects of 20th-century genocide.

The term “eradicate,” when used in the context of groups of people, is a call for genocide. An early intelligence record on Hitler’s “Final Solution” was declassified in 2001 under the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure Act, which contains statements by Axis diplomats referring to a plan for the “eradication” of Jews in Europe.

“The Jewish problem is being partially solved in the Protectorate [Reich Protectorate of Bohemia-Moravia], as it has been decided to eradicate all the Jews and send some to Poland and others to the town of Terezin, whilst looking for a more remote place,” reads an official Nazi dispatch to the Chilean government.

In reference to genocide, identical language is used by historians, journalists, and human rights organizations.

According to a 2007 Clark University study on the deconstruction of hate speech, “Dehumanization is a frequent element of hate speech, and is used to vilify the target. It also has the effect of disinhibiting violence. Thus, dehumanizing descriptions of individuals and groups are an alarming signal of hate speech and the danger of future violence, and its early detection is crucial.”

Reza’s call for the “eradication” of Trump supporters isn’t limited to President Trump and his cabinet. He also made calls for violence against the Covington Catholic High School boys in January.

“Honest question. Have you seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?” Aslan asked. The tweet received over 23,000 “likes” from his supporters. Tweets like Aslan’s set off a firestorm of hatred against the high school boys, including threats directed towards the school and the boys’ lawyer, Robert Barnes.

The tweet remains online.

According to Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra, a Twitter official stated that Aslan’s call to “eradicate” Kellyanne Conway does not violate their policies.


Ian Miles Cheong is the managing editor of Human Events.


Another article on the same "eradication" guy, Reza Aslan, reveals he is a radical muslim Iranian (America-hating) immigrant to the U.S.

CNN contributor deletes ‘massacre’ Mitch tweet. Meanwhile, protesters shout death threats outside McConnell’s home

Another New York Times reporter and CNN contributor, who eagerly endorsed the #MassacreMitch trending on Twitter, and then retracted his Tweet later when busted on it.

And then went on CNN a day later to bemoan violent rhetoric!

These are two CNN contributors, and demonstrate this is not a Democrat fringe, but at the heart of mainstream liberal coverage.

And that call for violence and "eradication" of Republican Trump supporters is not diminishing. It is being stoked by the 2020 Democrat candidates, Hillary, and Obama. Not to mention CNN and MSNBC. Which really are de facto part of the DNC.

Note also that any Fox News reporter or anchor who did a fraction of this would be out of a job and never work again.
But because these are Democrats on CNN, no rebuke, no suspension, no firing, no mention of his fanaticism, violent intent, partisan bias, and poor judgement. Without missing a blink, he continues on CNN as an exalted authority.

I think "massacre Mitch " is being used in the political sense and not the literal sense. I think it's a good idea to stay away from words like that (see the target thread where you feel differently about the use of the word target). I think Moscow Mitch is okay though and one he's earned.

Apparently you didn't hear the clear death threats in the video.

That's why Twitter didn't want McConnell to be able to post it. Because it makes clear the violent intent of the Bolshevik Left.

Just pointing out, it was only a few months ago that a similar mob swarmed outside Tucker Carlson's home, with his wife and children inside. And were so intent on entering Carlson's house and carrying out their threat that thye broke the front door on his house. I'm sure he had guns in the house, and it's too bad they didn't enter, so he'd have every right to shoot them dead.
Yeah stuff happens on both sides. That stuff is not okay of course but Moscow Mitch became Massacre Mitch because after the latest batch of mass shootings people are blaming him for jamming up gun control legislation. It's a name he's earned imho.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah stuff happens on both sides. That stuff is not okay of course but Moscow Mitch became Massacre Mitch because after the latest batch of mass shootings people are blaming him for jamming up gun control legislation. It's a name he's earned imho.

So you endorse the mob gathering outside McConnell's home at night and calling for violence against them.

As is often pointed out, Obama controlled the House and Senate with supermajorities that could have passed ANY legislation, and never made mass shootings a priority. Obama was also not blamed when mass shotings (Sandy Hook, L.A., Fort Hood, Dallas police officeres killed, Pulse Night club, Aurora CO movie theatre...) happened on his watch. Nor were Harry Reid, or Nancy Pelosi blamed (as yo blame McConnell), or toward the end, then-Senate majority leader "cryin'" Chuck Schumer.

Your hypocrissy is on full display. Any of these people were infinitely more able to pass gun legislation.

But as I've said before, this is all liberal demagoguery anyway. There is no legislation that could have been passed, 8 years aago or now, that would prevent any of these shootings. All these shooters purchased their guns legally and went through background checks. The most visible one was Nicholas Cruz in Parkland, FL, but his school never made an official report of his threats, and police who visited his home for dozens of complaint calls likewise made no official reports that would have prevented him from obtaining weapons legally.
So what exactly are you blaming McConnell for, M E M?
Not passing legislation that wouldn't prevent shootings, but would take guns away from tens of thousands of law-abiding licensed owners?

A reminder:

Concealed Carrier Prevents Mass Shooting At Missouri Walmart

August 9, 2019, by Madeline Osburn

When a 20-year-old man reportedly walked into a Springfield, Missouri, Walmart carrying tactical weapons and wearing body armor on Thursday, an off-duty firefighter carrying his own concealed weapon held the suspect at gunpoint until police arrived.

While not preventing shootings, what you advocate would actually take away the guns that prevent more shootings from successfully killing people.

And "stuff" DOESN'T "happen on both sides". Democrats are the ones (Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Cory Booker, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez... ) whose bellicose rhetoric from the very top in the Democrat leadership, and in the liberal media, and as enabled by leftist-run social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube, cheer this stuff on and enable the spread of rhetoric calling for liberal violence on Republicans.

In examples like the El Paso shooter or Cesar Sayoc, they are lone nuts, and not even consistently conservative.

In the case of the El Paso shooter, he was primarily a radical environmentalist, and had even voiced opposition against Trump. His primary goal was preventing increased population of the United States, and his main beef with Trump was that Trump didn't shut down immigration completely, instead of just wanting to shut down illegal immigration.
Details the liberal media and Democrat leadership don't want to achnowledge. Because the details make clear this guy wasn't inspired by Trump, that his beliefs were formed years before Trump even announced his presidential run.

Hodgkinson, Dorner, and the Dayton shooter, by contrast, were clear in their writings that they were directly inspired by Democrat leaders and CNN and MSNBC pundits. And the Democrats never at any point call for toning down the violent rhetoric from their side. After the Hodgkinson baseball shooting, at least two Democrat advisors and pollsters actually called for more shootings!
You don't see that on the Republican side. No way you can make that turd float, M E M.

I think you're the one trying to make the turd float WB. It's just "senseless" and "random" when somebody sends out a manifesto that echoes Trump at a rally who than goes out and tries to kill as many Mexicans as he can. Or the white supremacist who speeds through a crowd a protestors finds himself a lot of Trump supporters acting as unpaid defense attorneys willing to paint him as a victim. You can point your turd all you want but your judgements are empty one sided and silly. Yes both sides do stuff and there are people on both sides who just see the one side. We've gone back and forth for years and years now and you should know I don't endorse mob violence btw.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think you're the one trying to make the turd float WB. It's just "senseless" and "random" when somebody sends out a manifesto that echoes Trump at a rally who [then] goes out and tries to kill as many Mexicans as he can.

Show me one Republican who endorses that shooting. It's a random lone-nut situation, and you can't point to one thing Trump said that reflects what the El Paso shooter said in his posts or manifesto. It's like saying because I oppose Mexican drug cartels, and the KKK oppose Mexican drug cartels, that if they act out violently against innocent people, that my rhetoric caused the KKK to act.
Trump only opposes illegal immigration (not all immigrants, not all hispanics), and accurately cites that the largest sources of illegals are Mexicans (59%) and Central America (15%).

And as I've said repeatedly, the El Paso shooter in his prior manifesto and online posts said that Trump will be blamed for his shooting spree, but that his racist ideology was solidly in place before Trump even announced his candidacy.
Trump only wants to stop illegal immgration, while this kid wanted to stop ALL immigration to the U.S., and he was hostile toward Trump for not going far enough.

Your "Trump's rhetoric is the cause" propaganda also ignores that the Dayton shooter and several other shooters were liberals, and specifically Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders supporters. Those are shooters you don't want to talk about!

And that unlike the vaguest similarity to Trump's rhetoric, these liberal shooters openly praise and quote verbatim talking points of Democrats like Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, Kamalah Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, and Maxine Waters.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Or the white supremacist who speeds through a crowd a protestors finds himself a lot of Trump supporters acting as unpaid defense attorneys willing to paint him as a victim. You can point your turd all you want but your judgements are empty one sided and silly. Yes both sides do stuff and there are people on both sides who just see the one side. We've gone back and forth for years and years now and you should know I don't endorse mob violence btw.

Is that a reference to the guy who ran over the girl in Charlottesville, VA? I've cited the video evidence that he was attacked by the Antifa/liberal crowd before he went on the sidewalk. I think he was pressured into a plea bargain so that we will never know the true facts. It didn't look to me like he had any legal representation beyond a public defender.

What I see is that the violence on the "right" side is fringe nuts who aren't acting as Republicans, and are widely condemned by Republicans.
And that Republicans in general condemn racism, but are widely characterized by Democrats as racists. That anyone who supports Trump is maliciously labelled by Democrats as a "white supremacist".

YOUR SIDE, THE DEMOCRATS basically call all Republicans nazis, and basically say you have to do everything you can to oppose nazis, intimidation and violence included. That is the mainstream message of your entire party, including the 2020 candidates, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest, and it is only by a very careful parsing of words that you pretend to distance yourself from that [while still supporting them.

I keep waiting for people in your party to say WOAH, this is too crazy, I can't support this. This is where I step off the train.
But you never do. Beyond lip service otherwise, you and other Demcorats always remain on board.
Despite the corruption.
Despite the Nazi demaagoguery.
Despite the violence.

Democrat leadership doesn't stop Antifa and other groups who act violently against Republicans, because they feel that violence and intimidation works to advance their agenda and intimdate/weaken their conservative opposition.
No ethics, just whatever works.

Just like they did with Obama's IRS targetng conservatives in 2012.

Just like the bureaucrat Democrat loyalists who corrupted the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DNI and State Department, weaponizing those agencies and the FISA court to attempt to rig the election, and ongoing since, to cripple the Trump administration.

You give lip service otherwise, but you're still on board.

I'm not tight lipped about the IRS scandal. The GOP manufactured the scandal and was able to defund the IRS. It was such a great scandal that you guys didn't pursue criminal charges and tried hiding that the IRS used search words for both sides. As for Trump, he's worked his schtick enough at rallies that I find it hard to believe you don't know of any remarks that could be construed as inflammatory. It was clear what Trump was doing even before he told 4 American women to go back to where they came from. Unlike him they actually won their elections by more people choosing them than their opponents. It truly saddens me that he pushed Israel into banning 2 elected officials entry there. The bipartisan support for Israel is important for both countries. Trump trying to sabotage that is disgraceful and small.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I'm not tight lipped about the IRS scandal. The GOP manufactured the scandal and was able to defund the IRS. It was such a great scandal that you guys didn't pursue criminal charges and tried hiding that the IRS used search words for both sides.

I'm frankly amazed at your ability to overlook the facts to cover the jaw-dropping corruption and abuse of federal power by your party.

There is absolutely no way, NO WAY you can get around the 150 visits by the IRS leadership to Obama's White House to meet with Obama and his highest inner circle just before the 2012 election. Clear planning and coordination to weaponize the IRS against conservatives to win the election, as detailed by many editors of the Wall Stree Journal. As self-incriminatingly detailed in Lois Lerner's e-mails.
There's no way to get around that.

There is absolutely no question the IRS targeted Tea Party and religious conservative leaders and grassroots organizations, prevented them from getting 501-status to fundraise and organize, and subjected many of them to costly harassing audits to intimidate and cripple Republican fundraising and support. Frank Vandersloot alone, for donating a $ million check to the Romney campaign in 2012, was subjected to IRS audits of his business and hios personal tax return, at a cost of $80,000 and months of his personal time just to prove he did absolutely nothing wrong.
Plus Tea Party leaders further harassed by other Democrat loyalists in OSHA, ATF, EPA, FBI and other federal agencies. With names given to them by Lerner and Koskinin in the IRS.

I personally know an attorney who was audited for his activity in the Republican party and for his efforts to get John McCain elected in 2008. Prior to that, he had never been audited by the IRS.

Likewise Franklin Graham (son of Billy Graham), his church that had existed for over 100 years was audited the first time in 2012 for their support of Romney. In addition to harassment and stalling and not getting 501 status before the 2012 election.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
As for Trump, he's worked his schtick enough at rallies that I find it hard to believe you don't know of any remarks that could be construed as inflammatory. It was clear what Trump was doing even before he told 4 American women to go back to where they came from. Unlike him they actually won their elections by more people choosing them than their opponents. It truly saddens me that he pushed Israel into banning 2 elected officials entry there. The bipartisan support for Israel is important for both countries. Trump trying to sabotage that is disgraceful and small.

I look at Trump's statements as largely humor that you try to portray as inflammatory.

And what is harsh in Trump's rhetoric is not unprovoked, it's justifiable self-defense and simply responding to the insults, slanders, and Bolshevik revolution-level incendiary call to violence and uncivility coming from the Democrat/Left.
The Democrats (those inspired directly and verbatim by violent rhetoric of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Ocasio-Cortez, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, etc.) are burning and shooting up ICE detention centers and offices!
They are killing cops!
They are violently attacking Republican leaders like McConnell, Scalise, Pam Bondi, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rand Paul, on and on.
They want to set loose tens of thousands of violent criminals!
They want to bankrupt the country with tens of trillions in new entitlements, in a nation that is already 22 trillion in debt.
They want open borders, no resistance to illegal immigration, no resistance to illegal gangmembers and criminals!
How can you not see how insane your party is?

It truly terrifies me that these fanatics hell-bent on chaos and destroying America have any support whatsoever from Democrat voters. They are utterly insane, and dangerous.

And why enable Ilhan Obam and Rashida Tlaib to enter Israel, who have verbally declared war and unleashed hate on Israel for years? Israel finally agreed to let Tlaib in to see her grandmother on condition she wouldn't rally hate against Israel while in-country, and Tlaib slapped away the offer.
Israel's policy regarding banning visits by radicals with Tlaib's brand of political hate far precedes the election of Donald Trump.
And again, Israel was willing to make an exception for her, but she used her grandmother as a rhetorical weapon to attack Israel. Israel was willing to let her visit, she rejected it, how is that Trump's fault in your twisted logic?

You deciding that IRS visits to the WH means something nefarious was being done hardly makes it true. Russia meeting at the Trump tower anyone? That even involved evolving stories from the Trumps. Your problem is I do know the facts and one of them is that Trump didn't pursue a criminal case. If there was a there there you know he would have. Defunding the IRS in response btw makes sense how?

Israel was all set to let them visit as they have let other critics in the past but did what our President asked them to do. The next time you want to bs about free speech I will now know how it really isn't a principle of yours. If Trump doesn't like it I know you will support him over a democratic principle. And this was about him. Even the conservative lobby group for Israel recognizes this.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You deciding that IRS visits to the WH means something nefarious was being done hardly makes it true. Russia meeting at the Trump tower anyone? That even involved evolving stories from the Trumps. Your problem is I do know the facts and one of them is that Trump didn't pursue a criminal case. If there was a there there you know he would have. Defunding the IRS in response btw makes sense how?

NOT Russia "meeting at Trump Tower".

You don't have the facts, and you're either maliciously lying or brainwashed by MediaMatters. My impression is you want to believe the lies, and are willingly brainwashed.

Of the 20 or so FBI and DOJ people who were ACTUALLY colluding and in conspiracy against Trump and rigging the Hillary investigation, most of those deep state conspirators have either been fired, or resigned before they could be fired. They are facing indictment and jail time. You are delusional to assert otherwise. That all supports the case that Trump was set up.

Despite corrupt officials in both the Democrat and Republican leadership, despite the attempts by vicious partisan deep state agents like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Loretta Lynch and Sally Yates, despite the attempt to sweep it all under the rug by new FBI director Christopher Wray to try and preserve the reputation of a corrupt FBI leadership (his golfing buddies) even the Inspector General in their own agency is unearthing the evidence of their guilt.

A Fusion GPS and FBI "asset" named Natalia Veselnitskaya lied and misrepresented herself to get the meeting with Trump Jr. (NOT a Russian agent, a fake Russian agent sent by Fusion GPS and the FBI to try and ensnare and trap Trump officials).
She met with Fusion GPS before her Trump Tower meeting, and she met with Fusion GPS after her meeting. And there was no business transacted between her and Trump Jr. A few minutes in, he saw she had misrepresnted herself and ended the meeting.

If the four federal investigations, including the Mueller report didn't already make that CRYSTAL clear.

And what Rep. Adam Schiff did in a recorded phone call, getting pranked by two actual Russians, where he was eager to get any dirt he could on Trump, writing down everything said on the phone by two high school kids, and trying to set up more meetings with them (he actually called them back repeatedly --recorded!-- before he realized they weren't really going to give him Russian dirt on Trump, Schiff not knowing and clueless that he was being played. That was actual attempted "Russia collusion"... BY A DEMOCRAT.

Why do you deliberately lie and try to shave and misrepresent the facts?
There is no Trump/Russia collusion.
FOUR investigations: 1) a 9-month FBI intelligence investigation, 2) a House investigation, 3) a Senate investigation, and 4)the Mueller special investigation, ALL concluded there is absolutely no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion.

Everything you try to accuse Trump of doing, Hillary Clinton, the Clinton campaign, the DNC, and key staffers in the FBI, DOJ, CIA, State Department, and DNI, HAVE ACTUALLY PROVABLY DONE.

The IRS is a weaponized arm of the Democrats, and has been since JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton were president, auditing and harassing the Dems' political opponents. It has to be reformed.
Weaponized yet again by Obama in 2012, to narrowly win the election with 51%, by crippling his opposition's ability to organize and fundraise.

See the Spectator article , "The Union that Runs the IRS", in the linked topic above.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
Israel was all set to let them visit as they have let other critics in the past but did what our President asked them to do. The next time you want to bs about free speech I will now know how it really isn't a principle of yours. If Trump doesn't like it I know you will support him over a democratic principle. And this was about him. Even the conservative lobby group for Israel recognizes this.

Israel DID OFFER to let Rashida Tlaib enter to visit her 90-something grandmother. And when Israel eased their restrictions against travel into Israel by rabid propagantists like Tlaib and Omar (laws that precede Trump's presidency) SHE (not Trump), SHE declined to enter.

It was all a political show by Tlaib, to beg Israel to let her enter, get them to concede, and then grandstand and slap the invitation back in Israel's face. I don't know how you blame Trump for HER CHOICE not to travel to Israel, as she had permission to.

No criminal charges pursued in the IRS matter WB. That's how big the scandal was. And again the defunding of the IRS makes sense how? Not sure what your going on about the Trump Tower meeting not being with Russians that were linked to the Kremlin but yes that did happen. As did the Trumps evolving story on what happened.

You can stop trying to bs rationalize about Trump using his office to attack his political foes and stifle free speech. It avoids what Trump did here. She was told she could go as long as she kept her mouth shut. That isn't democracy. Israel was going to let the elected officials visit till Trump bullied them into changing their decision. If you have a problem with a college not allowing controversial conservative/white supremacists speaking than you should have a larger issue with Trump's attempts here to stifle free speech. Also sad is his willingness to try to damage the bipartisan support Israel has with us. Sad and actually evil.

I'm confident a William Barr DOJ would have prosecuted Lois Lerner, where a Jeff Sessions DOJ that dithered on the FBI/DOJ deep state coup for 2 years would not.

I would like to see the case revisited. Even when it was dismissed it was not because they felt Lois Lerner and the IRS were not guilty (there were certainly plenty of self-incriminating e-mails). Those in DOJ (under Sessions) felt at that time there was not enough evidence to prosecute, despite Lerner's guilt and plenty of evidence. And left open the door to re-open the case later.
Which I hope they do. Aggressively.


By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Friday, September 8, 2017

The Trump Justice Department has once again cleared former IRS senior executive Lois G. Lerner of criminal liability stemming from the tea party targeting.

In a letter to top Republicans, Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd said they re-reviewed the case and concluded there isn’t enough evidence to charge Ms. Lerner, who was at the center of the targeting.

Mr. Boyd said the new review included lawyers who only recently joined the department and weren’t part of the Obama administration’s earlier decision.

“After this process, the Department determined that reopening the investigation would not be appropriate based on the available evidence,” Mr. Boyd said.
He said if new information comes to light, the decision could be revisited.

Republicans on Capitol Hill called the decision “terrible.”

“It sends the message that the same legal, ethical and Constitutional standards we all live by do not apply to Washington political appointees — who will now have the green light to target Americans for their political beliefs and mislead investigators without ever being held accountable for their lawlessness,” said Rep. Kevin Brady, Texas Republican and House Ways and Means chairman.

He said he respects Attorney General Jeff Sessions, but was “troubled” by his department’s handling of the request to investigate Ms. Lerner
“The decision not to prosecute Lois Lerner is a miscarriage of justice,” said Rep. Peter Roskam, an Illinois Republican who was one of the key lawmakers pushing for an investigation.

Ms. Lerner led the division of the IRS that singled out conservative and tea party groups for intrusive scrutiny in their applications for nonprofit status.

Conservative groups say she facilitated the targeting. But a Justice Department investigation under the Obama administration said Ms. Lerner actually took steps to try to repair the targeting when she learned of it.

Look at the photo with that article. The same arrogant defiance on Lois Lerner's face as that of Peter Strzok.

And the fact that she got a free pass in 2013, because some for whatever political reason didn't want to prosecute her, is what bred the hubris and corrupt arrogance that gave us the Russia hoax and criminal abuse of the FISA court in 2016.
If they are not prosecuted, it will just embolden this kind of Praetorian Guard-style of FBI/DOJ coup to happen again.

But here I am talking reason with you.
The truth is, your side doesn't care about crimes or the rule of law, so long as your side gains power.

You don't care that Tea Party and religious groups were put through hell.
You don't care about the slander and attempted destruction of Brett Kavanaugh.
You don't care that Scooter Libby wasn't guilty of the crime he was imprisoned for.
Or the shakedown plea deals that put a gun to the heads of Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, George Pappadapoulos, Jerome Corsi, Sam Clovis, Roger Stone and Michael Caputo.

Men who never would have been indicted if not for malicious prosecution in a kangaroo court, two of whom the FBI looked at 13 years ago and wouldn't prosecute. Just to shake them down and attempt to make them perjure themselves to testify against Trump. Rich men who have been bankrupted defending themselves against baseless Kafka-esque charges.

But like I said, you don't care. So long as your corrupt side wins. Even though your side increasingly looks like the French Revolution's reign of terror. God help us all if your side actually wins. It certainly won't win playing by the rules. Only by a Bolshevik revolution and "power mostly administered at the barrel of a gun." To quote Mao, as Ron Bloom did while serving in the Obama administration. Be careful what you wish for, M E M... you might get it.

Of course your confident about something that didn't happen. The reality is no criminal charges were pursued by Trump. And you can avoid Trump pushing an ally to stifle free speech of political opponents but how Orwellian of you. Remember when you believed free speech was a principle? When did that change? Maybe about the same time it became less important to reduce the deficit?

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Of course your confident about something that didn't happen. The reality is no criminal charges were pursued by Trump. And you can avoid Trump pushing an ally to stifle free speech of political opponents but how Orwellian of you. Remember when you believed free speech was a principle? When did that change? Maybe about the same time it became less important to reduce the deficit?

I think for the same reason Jeff Sessions just sat on his hands for 2 years.

There are establishment Republicans that I have almost as much contempt for Trump as the Bolshevik-Left Democrats.
I hold equal scorn for them as for the establishment Democrats, because the establishment on both sides are enriching themselves by corrupting and slowly destroying the country, while enriching themselves.

I first became aware of the establishment Republicans that are essentially one party with the establishment Democrats, reading the book Obamanomics by Tim Carney. Both sides are controlled by campaign finance and corporate donors, corporations and establishment leaders of both parties who enrich themselves at the peoples' expense.
I became increasingly aware as House leaders John Boehner and Paul Ryan, once each of them were consecutively seated as House speaker, both immediately broke their conservative-Republican campaign promises.
Boehner in particular at a party in 2016 was overheard saying he supported Hillary, and that it would be a tragedy if Trump won. Because Trump is a reformer who would destroy the status-quo corporate lobbyist party for the establishment on both sides. Boehner is now earning a fortune as a marijuana industry lobbyist.

Those are the establishment Democrats and establishment Republicans.
The Bolshevik Democrats are even more dangerous.

And the only one in either party who has the commitment to truly enact reforms to rebuild the rule of law is Trump.

And if Democrats were willing to deal with Trump, he would actually give the Democrats a lot of what they want, to pass legislation what he wants! But the Democrats are too ideologically rigid, too stupid, to see that.
He offered a generous compromise on DACA children of illegals, but in truth the Democrats would rather demagogue Trump for another 6 years than give Trump a political victory, and actually help the DACA kids. Trump is a lot more pragmatic and less ideologically rigid than the Democrats.

And the establishment Republicans, even so-called conservatives like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, more often fold and just posture. Rather than hold to their promises, as Trump has.

And you are full of horseshit trying to flip the table and call me Orwellian.
Trump has been about restoring the rule of law.

The "five minutes hate" constant demonization rhetoric by Democrats, rallying the Left to attack every Trump supporter in the streets, that's Orwellian. Virtually EVERY Democrat 2020 candidate, along with Obama, Hillary, Maxine Waters, Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib, Pressley, you name it, are constantly scorching the earth with rhetoric like, "resist", "no peace till we regain power", "get in their faces", and "when you see them create a crowd, step into them, let them know they're not welcome".

Every one of them wants to shut down free speech. More than that, declare war in the street on those who dare to disagree with them.

Likewise, the Democrats' attempt to re-define long-established terms to shut down conservative speech >>perfectly<< mirrors the elimination of words in the Newspeak dictionary, as described in Orwell's 1984.
Re-defining words like nationalism, patriotism, wearing a MAGA hat, the Besty Ross flag, any word or symbol that rallies a conservative message. Words and symbols that Democrat leaders, and their Leninist brethren in the liberal media, have re-defined to be some kind of secret code for "racist" or "white nationalist".
When in fact Trump supporters just believe the United States is a sovereign nation that should have defended borders, and deport those who illegally break into our country and before deportation, are still given an asylum-claim review in court (that 90% of illegals don't show up for anyway) before they are deported.

Trump is restoring the rule of law.
It's the Bolshevik maniacs that YOU support who want to make those laws meaningless, over-run us with illegals, in the name of racism and social justice flood us with released criminals from jails, enact policies that render our military and police unable to defend us, admit millions who hate this country, destroy any enforcement standards that prevent fraud in our elections, collapse our economy with policies that previously crushed economic growth under 8 years of Obama.

All the things your side has done, is doing, to destroy us, Trump has reversed.
Long live the republic.

Lol, Trump just bullied an ally of ours to shut down free speech of 2 elected officials so spare me the ridiculous partisan outrage. I no longer believe free speech is something you consider a principle.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Lol, Trump just bullied an ally of ours to shut down free speech of 2 elected officials so spare me the ridiculous partisan outrage. I no longer believe free speech is something you consider a principle.

In your convoluted Newspeak liberal media world, that is how it's portrayed.

That is how your side hides from the true facts. That Israel's laws precede Trump's election, that Tlaib begged Israel to make an exception so she could visit her grandmother in her 90's, that Israel made an exception for Tlaib, and she, not Trump chose not to go for exploitative demagogic political reasons.

i.e., Tlaib hates Israel more than she loves her grandmother.

Israel was set to let them visit. Than Trump tweeted saying Israel shouldn't let them in. It would make Israel look weak. Than Israel changed it's mind and wouldn't let them in. They did change course for the one but it was on the condition that she kept her mouth shut. Those are the facts. Pretending and it is pretending on your part that Trump's tweet wasn't when Israel changed it's mind on not letting the 2 elected officials in is just more ridiculous partisan spin. Trump made the tweet because Israel was originally set to let them visit. You shouldn't be able to twist that logic but your partisan hate just compels you too.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Israel was set to let them visit. Than Trump tweeted saying Israel shouldn't let them in. It would make Israel look weak. Than Israel changed it's mind and wouldn't let them in. They did change course for the one but it was on the condition that she kept her mouth shut. Those are the facts. Pretending and it is pretending on your part that Trump's tweet wasn't when Israel changed it's mind on not letting the 2 elected officials in is just more ridiculous partisan spin. Trump made the tweet because Israel was originally set to let them visit. You shouldn't be able to twist that logic but your partisan hate just compels you too.

We've been through several gyrations of this.
I don't buy your propaganda false narrative.

Ultimately, Tlaib was allowed to visit by Israel, but Tlaib made a political grandstand and rebuffed the offer. Anything beyond that is obvious liberal spin and false narrative.

Yes because news or facts you don't like are "false". Trump did tweet what he tweeted though. You can call facts false but that goes to your credibility not mine. Just remember I now know how you really feel about free speech.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yes because news or facts you don't like are "false". Trump did tweet what he tweeted though. You can call facts false but that goes to your credibility not mine. Just remember I now know how you really feel about free speech.

I stated the facts.
Israel made an exception, and would have permitted Tlaib to visit.
Tlaib, after begging for an exception, once getting it said to Israel: "Fuck you, eat shit, I don't want your exception."

Regardless of what Trump said, Tlaib was permitted to enter.
DESPITE that Israel had laws in place to block evil anti-Israeli demagogues like Tlaib travel entry, long before Trump was even president.

Those are the facts you distort and ignore, to front your lying Democrat talking-points/MediaMatters narrative.

Actually that's what you're doing. Israel is now willing to letting one in but it's on the condition that she would just visit her grandmother. She has to keep her mouth shut. And yes Israel does have a law that was never applied to elected US officials before. Israel hasn't and wasn't going to bar American elected officials though until Trump bullied them into changing course. You're the one distorting. You have no defense or excuse for Trump's tweet.

Only Tlaib, to visit her grandmother. After that offer by Israel was slapped away, I doubt they would permit Tlaib in now.

By "keep her mouth shut", you mean she has to not actively call for the destruction of Israel while she is in their country.
Which Tlaib never will be in, now.
She had her chance.
I think you've shown your true colors WB. Freedom of speech is something I used to think you actually cared about. I know better now

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
I think you've shown your true colors WB. Freedom of speech is something I used to think you actually cared about. I know better now

Insinuation on your part, M E M, with no facts to back it up. I've deconstructed your lying narrative multiple times.
Israel's laws pre-date Trump's presidency.
Israel made an exception for Tlaib, the moment they did, she slapped the offer down. Only Tlaib is to blame for her not going to Israel.

It was Obama who arrested and intimidated reporters, and tried to permanently shut out Fox News from White House press conferences, and lied that they did so, and were exposed by Judicial Watch as liars by their own gloating internal e-mails.

Obama, Clinton, LBJ, JFK, FDR and Woodrow Wilson were far more of a threat to free speech and Constitutional rights than Donald Trump ever will be. All those listed either shut down newspapers, jailed reporters, used the FBI to intimidate and do surveillance of their political opponents, used the IRS to audit and harass their political opponents, or all the above.
Trump has done none of that.

Ohhh, M E M, freedom of speech is something I used to think you actually cared about. I know better now !

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually that's what you're doing. Israel is now willing to letting one in but it's on the condition that she would just visit her grandmother. She has to keep her mouth shut. And yes Israel does have a law that was never applied to elected US officials before. Israel hasn't and wasn't going to bar American elected officials though until Trump bullied them into changing course. You're the one distorting. You have no defense or excuse for Trump's tweet.

As pointed out here, Israel was not using the law prior to Trump's effort to bully them into barring them. Right after Trump tweeted Israel made it's announcement. At some point do you have a defense for this not being a freedom of speech issue?
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually that's what you're doing. Israel is now willing to letting one in but it's on the condition that she would just visit her grandmother. She has to keep her mouth shut. And yes Israel does have a law that was never applied to elected US officials before. Israel hasn't and wasn't going to bar American elected officials though until Trump bullied them into changing course. You're the one distorting. You have no defense or excuse for Trump's tweet.

As pointed out here, Israel was not using the law prior to Trump's effort to bully them into barring them. Right after Trump tweeted Israel made it's announcement. At some point do you have a defense for this not being a freedom of speech issue?

Accepting your argument (which I don't, it's anti-Trump spin) how does Israel denying entry into their country by Tlaib (which they did allow, and she defiantly rejected) deny free speech? It's Israeli law and policy, not U.S. policy. And regardless, Tlaib and Omar can bitch all they want, in the United States. It is Tlaaib abd Omar who are denying free speech to Israel, and trying to shut down free speech of Jews in both the U.S. and Israel. It's their country, and the right of U.S. Jews (and Christians like myself) to support Israel without being shouted down, boycotted, divested, sanctioned, or otherwise attacked or intimidated.

But ultimately, Tlaib was never denied access to Israel, she chose not to go. Not Trump's fault, it is Tlaib's that she didn't go to Israel.

It's all just a fake Democrat talking points argument.
Actually she was denied entry entry than was allowed to visit her grandmother on the condition that's all she would do. That isn't free speech. And that all ignores the other one being denied entry. And you keep ignoring Trump's tweet telling Israel that they would look weak if they allowed them in. He is responsible for what he says correct? And yes Israel can ban who they want but by doing so they take a hit on their democratic values. That's probably why they hadn't previously done so till Trump's tweet.
Oh and don't be mistaken that I'm trying to get you to accept anything. You're drunk on the Kool aid and have made it abundantly clear how you really feel about free speech.
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Actually she was denied entry entry than was allowed to visit her grandmother on the condition that's all she would do. That isn't free speech. And that all ignores the other one being denied entry. And you keep ignoring Trump's tweet telling Israel that they would look weak if they allowed them in. He is responsible for what he says correct? And yes Israel can ban who they want but by doing so they take a hit on their democratic values. That's probably why they hadn't previously done so till Trump's tweet.

To me you just confirmed all my points:

* Israel has the right to deny entry to anyone they find allied against or dangerous to their sovereignty.
* In accordance with that, Israel denied Tlaib and Omar entrance.
* Because Tlaib begged to see her grandmother, Israel compassionately made an exception for her, and continued to deny access to Omar because she is clearly allied against and hostile to Israel. Tlaib basically said "fuck you" to Israel and politically exploited the invitation and postured.
* Trump made a Twitter comment that didn't change a thing, those were Israel's laws, before, during and after Trump commented.
* Yes, Israel can ban whoever they want, it's their country and their national security.
* I see no compromise of Israel's values. They are just keeping people out who are hostile and want to destroy them. Keeping them out keeps them from advancing their cause.
* You babble about "free speech" violations, but that make no sense. U.S. free speech rights don't apply to Israel, they don't have a U.S. Constitution, they have an Israeli constitution, so yours is just a lying leftist talking point. Ultimately, Israel is keeping out enemies who want to undermine Israeli sovereignty and security. Even if U.S. "free speech" rights applied, the national interest supersedes alleged free speech.
Speech that foments violence, terrorism and revolution is not free speech, it is insurrection. And Israel has every right to protect itself from that, and not enable its enemies.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Oh and don't be mistaken that I'm trying to get you to accept anything. You're drunk on the Kool aid and have made it abundantly clear how you really feel about free speech.

"Drinking the Kool Aid" is a metaphor alluding to the Jonestown mass suicide in Guyana, under the cult of Jim Jones.
"Drinking the Kool Aid" is being brainwashed into committing suicide.

The policy you advocate would be suicide for Israel.
The policy your party advocates for the U.S. (open borders, admitting all illegals, giving them free healthcare, letting illegals vote --Stacey Abrams let that one out of the bag in 2016-- letting felons vote, racial reparations, the green new deal, hating and undermining police, hating and undermining the military, on and on) that is the path to committing national suicide.

L.A., San Francisco, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, New York City... centers of decades-long Democrat control that are falling apart. Those are the warning signs for what your party would do to the entire nation.


July 26, 2019, Friday

WASHINGTON (SBG) – The Department of Justice this week said it would investigate what it describes as market-leading online platforms. Companies such as Google, Facebook and Amazon would fall into that category. This investigation comes as these big tech companies are also under scrutiny by lawmakers.

In a news release, the DOJ said it would review how these market-leading platforms achieved their market-leading power and if they’re stifling competition, innovation and ultimately hurting consumers.

“Try and assess whether today’s antitrust laws are kind of inadequate for these types of big new tech firms,” said Ryan Bourne, the Chair of Public Understanding of Economics at Cato Institute in Washington, D.C.

He goes on to say that the investigation will be about catching up to technology, proving whether these companies violated antitrust laws and remembering that we’ve seen this before. For example, when Microsoft was accused of violating antitrust laws in the 1990s.

“Capitalism through history has shown even firms that appear incredibly dominant end up getting usurped by new products and new companies,” said Bourne.

The DOJ’s investigation will focus on the antitrust side of these online platforms, but Congress is looking into other aspects of these companies. That includes looking into whether there is political bias when it comes to algorithms and search engines.

Lawmakers have already been talking about this on Capitol Hill.

“Study after study has debunked suggestions of political bias,” said Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, during a July 16 hearing.

“Big tech’s favorite defense is it wasn’t me, the algorithms did it,” said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas during that same hearing.

Lawmakers, such as Sen. Cruz, have highlighted examples of bias, referencing videos released by the right-leaning watchdog group, Project Veritas. In its latest video, Project Veritas said it interviewed a senior software engineer with Google. The employee, Greg Coppola, said that while he does not have a smoking gun, there is political bias at Google and that it is reflected in the search engine.

“I really don’t buy the idea that big tech is politically neutral,” said Coppola in the Project Veritas interview, “I just know how algorithms are, they don’t write themselves. We write them to do what we want them to do.”

Meantime, this DOJ investigation comes as the Federal Trade Commission imposes a five-billion-dollar penalty on Facebook. The FTC said Facebook violated a 2012 order by deceiving users about privacy control. Facebook will also have to restructure its approach to privacy from the top down. In a press release, Facebook said explains that the FTC investigation was sparked by the events around Cambridge Analytica last year.

We reached out to Google, Facebook and Amazon for comment on the DOJ investigation. As of this writing, we have not heard back. We also reached out to Google for comment on the interview by one of their engineers, we also have not heard back. We also reached out to Coppola and were able to speak to him by phone. He confirms the information he shared in that online interview and said that he has since been put on administrative leave by Google.

God bless William Barr. He's done an incredible amount since he became Attorney General such a short time ago on Feb 15th.
Sessions would still be sitting on his hands.
Sally Yates, Loretta Lynch or Eric Holder would be drawing pentagrams on the floor in children's blood and dedicating their souls and the DOJ to Satan. They pretty much were, up till the day they left office.

Dr. Robert Epstein, testifying before the U.S. Senate about his research on the tech industry, how they manipulated more than enough votes to give Hillary Clinton the popular vote in 2016 (while still losing the electoral vote). And have the potential to manipulate 15 million votes in the 2020 election

Dr. Robert Epstein on Big Tech Censorship - Prager U.

Best of all, he proposes solutions to stop it.

Sen. Cruz Questions Victims of Censorship on Google's Bias

Senator Hawley Grills Google Exec During Judiciary Committee Hearing

Questioning Google’s vice president for government affairs and public policy, Karan Bhatia.
Senator Hawley is the only legislator I'm aware of with a bill on the table to reign in the excesses of tech-giant supremacy.


Senator Hawley Questions Twitter and Facebook Execs on Transparency

Ted Cruz, confronting Google executives with VIDEOTAPED self-incriminating comments BOASTING about their SYSTEMATIC shadow-banning and other suppression of conservatives on Twitter and Youtube.

Sen. Cruz Questions Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube on Censorship of Conservatives - January 17, 2018

Some of the people shadow-banned include Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Whose account was shadow-banned when she announced her candidacy for Senator !
(Wikipedia selectively omits the part about Twitter shadow-banning her account to suppress her support. And also leaves out the part about Project Veritas exposing her Democrat opponent (Bredeson) as a double-talking supporter of the Democrat far-left, lying to his voters, telling voters that he will do the opposite of what he truly will if elected, as exposed in videotaped comments by multiple officials and volunteers in his campaign. Rather significant omissions of truly scary deception, while protraying Blackburn as right-wing and scary. An example of social media tech giants working in concert and on multiple fronts to suppress the facts inconvenient to their side.)

The shadow-baanning of Blackburn's account was only reversed because it was publicly exposed.
She ultimately won her race and became Senator anyway.

Similar shadow-banning has occurred of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep Mark Meadows(R-NC), and Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), the core of the Freedom Caucus supporting Trump. Jim Jordan, no one too important, just a challenger who could have become House speaker a year ago!
It's obscene abuse of power by Youtube, Twitter and Facebook.

Google's congressional hearing highlights in 11 minutes (CNET)

Published on Dec 11, 2018
Lawmakers questioned Google's CEO Sundar Pichai for over three hours, looking for answers on alleged anti-conservative bias, plans for a censored search engine for China, and data collection.

Watch Google CEO Sundar Pichai testify before Congress in it's entirety here https://youtu.be/8qS7eyUo_uk

This is the CEO of Google, who one of his executives said in internal e-mail to other executives was personally manipulating voter turnout in key battleground states including California and Texas.

In addition to non-cooperation with the United States government, while simultaneously assisting authoritarian suppression in China of its citizens.

I wanted to re-watch portions of Laura Ingraham's broadcast last night, with Alan Dershowitz and Newt Gingrich.

Here's what my search list on Youtube displays:


13 people uploaded Ingraham's program in its entirety. Every one of them, as well as other Fox News programs that came up in the search list, all blanked out to 2 seconds. Technically still there, but in fact deleted. Every day, Youtube wipes out virtually all conservative facts, allowing only the liberal side, the liberal propaganda and lies, to be heard. With no counterbalance, weighing of the facts, or debate. When I attempted to cite counterbalancing facts, I was deleted as a user.



The hashtag #FireGinaCarano resurfaced in February 2021 after Carano shared a post on Instagram comparing American conservatives to Jews in Nazi Germany.[5][7] According to the Washington Post, Carano's post said: "Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors – even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don't realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews," and, "How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?".[5]

In response, Lucasfilm stated that Carano was no longer employed by them and would not appear in any future Star Wars projects, citing the social media posts which they said "denigrat[ed] people based on their cultural and religious identities".[6][7] That same day, Carano was dropped by talent agency UTA due to the controversy.[7][73][74] Conservatives on social media responded to the firing with the hashtag #CancelDisneyPlus.[75]

The ironies just pile up. She warns about organized political hatred, describing what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany as a terrifying thing, that is now being repeated in the U.S., and then... is accused of "hate speech", and her Disney contract torn up because she allegedly posted hateful anti-semitic remarks?!?

Only a Democrat zealot could rationalize this as somehow right.

Interesting that she independently came up with the same comparison I did 6 or 8 years ago, when I said that "Republicans are the scapegoated Jews in Obama's Germany".
Although that persecution has intensiied since then, particularly in the last 30 days.

This simultaneous post by her co-star Pedro Pascal, un-punished by Disney, further underscores Disney's one-sided hypocrisy:


“Pedro Pascal, who plays the Mandalorian on Disney Plus, was not fired for this post on Instagram comparing Trump supporters to Nazis and Confederates,” [in a meme by Pascal re-tweeted by] one frustrated critic.

This follow up post after said it quite well:

Shreddie Guerrero

For those keeping score: Dehumanize millions and you get to keep your job. Attempt to humanize millions and you will lose it. That’s LucasFilm’s standard.

Trump had another rally speech last night in Florence, South Carolina (Saturday, March 12 2022, from roughly 7PM to 8)

I missed the opening minutes before I arrived home, and looked for it online in a DuckDuckGo search.
There are literally dozens of links to the full video of it posted on Youtube, but every one of them you click on has a blank screen that says: "Deleted by the uploader" (i.e., deleted by Youtube, censored, suppressed).

I went to Bitchute, and did a search for "Trump rally South Carolina" and easily found this:

So... why doesn't it show up in the DuckDuckGo search engine ?
It looks like not only Google, but also DuckDuckGo has now turned to censorship of conservative news and Trump coverage. I've noticed this on multiple DuckDuckGo searches on various subjects in recent months. Only if I go diectly to Breitbart.com or Townhall.com, or Fox News or Newsmax, or DailyCaller or any number of conservative news sites and search directly on their site, will I find what I'm looking for, that DOESN'T show up in a search engine.

That is Orwellian censorship of information from public view, to indocrinate the masses with a pre-selected false narrative, to the exclusion of all other information.

Even as they promote a PROVEN false narrative on any number of issues. I realized recently that the mainstream media daily reinforces narratives on a number of fronts, that have already been verified as completely false.

Such as:

1) The false narrative that Covid-19 could NOT have emerged from a Wuhan lab. That it's "tin-foil hat conspiracy theory" to even ask the question. Despite that's where multiple leading virologists say the evidence clearly leads. Including the FOIA'd and published private e-mails exchanged with Antony Fauci by these same scientists, saying precisely that to Fauci himself. These e-mails also reveal the false narrative Fauci created, and Fauci thanking some of these scientists for helping create this false narrative of the wet-market origin of the virus. But Facebook and Twiiter still block the posts of doctors, scientists and journalists who publish this evidence on their social media sites.

2) The false narrative that PPE masks prevent Covid-19. No, they clearly don't. But again, Fauci was early on initially saying it's silly to use PPE masks, then he flipped in May 2020 and admitted he lied to prevent the public from buying up all PPE , that would have left hospitals in short supply. And then Fauci suddenly flipped again, and mandated that everyone in the country suddenly >> had << to wear them. A recent Johns Hopkins study of 20 countries, including the U.S., showed that masks in nations worldwide were 0.2% effective, at best ! But many businesses still mandate they must be used, and criticizing masks as ineffective will still get a person's posts deleted from Facebook, Twitter and other sites. I saw a doctor who posted criticism in the last month interviewed on Fox, after his professional medical posts were deleted.

3) The false narrative that vaccination prevents Covid-19.
In truth, even if vaccinated, one can still get Covid. And can still infect others with Covid.
But again, posts on Facebook and Twitter saying this, even by doctors, are blocked and deleted.

4) The false narrative that there is no evidence the November 3 2020 election was rigged.
There is tons of evidence at this point, suppressed by the mainstream media and social media, and search engines.

5) The false narrative that there was an "insurrection" by Trump supporters on Jan 6 2021.
Of the over 100,000 who peacefully protested, only 600 entered the Capitol, and of those only about 60 were charged with vandalism or violence. At least 20 of those 60 were John Earle Sullivan and his Antifa group, all self-identified in their "Jayden X" videos posted all over the internet, openly boasting they were only dressed as Trump supporters, to frame Trumpers for their own (Antifa) bad acts.
And another "at least 20" of those 60 were "un-indicted co-conspirator" FBI agents, according to the FBI's own investigation reports of Jan 6th events. Ray Epps and others clearly identified but not charged by the FBI. Jill Sanborn, assistant FBI director of counter-terrorism, leading the investigation, refused to discuss Ray Epps, or whether FBI agents were present on Jan 6th, refused to answer if these FBI agents either led, instigated or participated in violence. Because that would incriminate the FBI to answer.
So again, if at least 40 of that 60, a clear majority, were agents of FBI and Antifa, there to frame Trump supporters, it clearly is not Trump supporters who led or orchestrated events of Jan 6th, at most only included a few duped Trump supporters. But print and broadcast media and social media still front that lying narrative, and suppress evidence that Trump supporters were framed, and supress evidence Trump supporters are being maliciously prosecuted by DOJ/FBI.

6) Similarly, the false narrative of a "right-wing white supremacist" plot to kidnap Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, manufactured, led and orchestrated by the FBI. A majority of the conspirators, now numbering 12 identified FBI informants and agents revealed, including the kidnap planner and the van driver, ARE FBI AGENTS. The others indicted were dupes who were tricked into minimal participation, by a "97% Democrat-donating FBI, a KGB army of Peter Strzoks and Lisa Pages, manufacturing a Democrat narrative, just to support their fake menace of an "extremist white nationalism" threat to the country. The exculpatory evidence reported in conservative media, but suppressed by mainstream liberal media and social media.

7) the "Russia Hoax" Democrat narrative, that Trump colluded with the Russians to rig and win the 2016 election. Despite the narrative having been fully investigated and disproven as completely false, reporters at the New York Times and Washington Post still keep their Pulitzer prizes for a false narrative, for reporting that has been proven to be absolutely not true. But the false narratives remain unchallenged on Facebook and Twitter. While Trump, who was wronged, is still blocked from posting or responding with any challenge to that false narrative.

And more, but you get the point.

Such as multiple narratives coming out of the Ukraine invasion over the last few weeks, that have already been proven to be false. But they still are continued in broadcast and social media, as if they were true.
OAN cited multiple false reports:

All of these false narratives have been out there for months, reinforced day after day with reports in mainstream media and social media, despite the clear untruths exposed. And any attempts to reveal the facts contradicting these narratives suppressed and buried, user accounts frozen or deleted, even the account of the New York Post detailing the facts that authenticated Hunter Biden's laptop and e-mails, right before the election.
How are these narratives any different from the propaganda broadcast in Russia, China, North Korea or Iran?
And did you ever imagine, even just a few years ago, this would ever happen in the United States?

Probably the most important Orwell Ministry of Truth omission by Youtube, Google, Facebook and Twiiter is Trump's Jan 6 2021 speech, that was used as House Democrats' fraudulent pretense for a second Trump impeachment, alleging President Trump "incited" the "storming of the Capitol", and further calling this tiny event an "insurrection".

You would think that Google, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter would make that important Jan 6th Trump speech easily available online, to make the case to the American public, and the world, that Trump was responsible, in his own self-incriminating words, IF they were actually self-incriminating.
But no, they have deleted or filtered out every video-posting of the full speech, and rigged algorithms to filter out any potential word-search to Google it up.

Even DuckDuckGo search engine makes it near impossible to find.

I found it by going to Bitchute.com and doing a search on that site, invisible on a search engine, only accessible directly on Bitchute :

But if you go on Google or Youtube, Facebook or Twitter, you can't see the entire speech to see what President Trump ACTUALLY SAID that day in his 70-minute speech to allegedly "incite".
However, you can find several hundred news clips and liberal news pundits telling the audience how Trump "incited" the mob to violence, selling that narrative, WITHOUT ever showing the clips of the speech to show what Trump ACTUALLY SAID.
And they never will, because Trump never said it. So they have to hide what Trump actually said, to sell that lying narrative.

They hide that Trump said :
I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.

“Today, we will see whether Republicans stand strong for integrity of our elections.... whether or not they stand strong for our country...

Trump also made multiple Twitter posts throughout the afternoon, urging his supporters to "remain peaceful". When he became aware of a few violent incidents inside the Capitol, he prepared a one-minute video he posted on Twitter, urging everyone to "...leave in peace, go home." :

Originally Posted by President Donald J. Trump
Jan 6 2021
I know your pain, I know you're hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don't want anybody hurt.

It's a very tough period of time. There's never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You're very special. You've seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. [That last part talking about FBI, DOJ, the liberal media, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google giving a free pass to Democrats and the political Left, such as BLM and Antifa. --WB]

I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.

At no point, except in Democrat/media fake narrative, did Trump in his words or actions "incite" violence that day.
* In his request for 20,000 National Guard troops days in advance, to prevent violence (a request blocked by Pelosi and other Democrats, never forced by the media or investigators to explain why) ,
* in President Trump's 70-minute speech on Jan 6th, clearly instructing demonstrators "peacefully and patriotically voice your support" for Republican Senate and House members inside the Capitol who were lawfully challenging the electoral vote by Constitutional procedure, to delay the electoral count and and push for 2 or 3 weeks of joint session debate of the evidence of election fraud by Democrats.
* in President Trump's Twitter posts throughout the afternoon roughly every 30 minutes, constantly instructing his supporters in texts to remain peaceful,
* in his final 1-minute video exhortation, about 5 PM, commanding protesters to "leave in peace" and go home.

Trump encouraged peaceful and lawful protest at every stage. And yet Trump was maliciously framed for a second fake impeachment by House Democrats, just because they had the majority votes to do it, not based on any evidence.

According to reporter Jack Posobiec who reported from the Capitol that day, who has literally covered hundreds of protests, both peaceful ones and violent ones:
Both he and the police he spoke to observing the protests estimated there were "over 100,000 protesters" that day.
He showed video footage on OAN from the roofs of the Capitol and neighboring buildings, panning across the crowd, extending beyond the horizon in every direction, to verify that point.
Of that 100,000, only 600 went inside the Capitol on Jan 6th.
Of those, 90% were only guilty of "trespassing".

Only 60 committed vandalism or other violence. And of those 60, "at least 20" (by the FBI's own reports) are "un-indicted co-conspirators" (FBI agents) and another 20 are John Earle Sullivan and his BLM/Antifa rioters, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, openly boasting ON VIDEO they were going to frame Trump supporters.
Outside the 60 cited for violence or vandalism or theft of items, or urinating on a desk, of the 90% of others who were only cited for trespassing, it is very possible that because of Ray Epps and other FBI agents moving away barricades before they arrived, they never knew they had wandered into a previously restricted and barricaded area.

We know now that the main people pulling down fences and inciting violence, at least 40 of the 60, were "un-indicted co-conspirators"/FBI agents, and Antifa/BLM agents, the overwhelming majority pushing violence and vandalism were NOT Trump supporters, but those trying to set them up.
So if an overwhelming majority of the 60 perpetrators of vandalism and violence were NOT Trump supporters, were in fact FBI and Antifa there on a mission to frame Trump and his supporters, can it fairly be said that this violence was organized and led by Trump supporters, or that Trump "incited" it?

No, it can't. And that Democrat narrative falls apart a little more every day, as more facts steadily come to light.
[Linked Image from nypost.com]


Now that it doesn't matter, and the Biden administration has failed to the point that we're at the brink of nuclear war with Russia, due to the Ukraine invasion that Biden's inaction and weakness emboldened Russia to pull off... NOW the New York Times admits that Hunter Biden's laptop and the self-incriminating posts on it were real all along. If not censored from social media in Oct-Nov 2020 and propagandized as "Russian disinformation", Joe Biden would not be president now to destroy the world.

17% of Biden Voters Would Not Have Voted for Him Had They Known Scandals Liberal Media Censored :

Tucker Carlson: You should be worried about this...

U.S. government leaders, taking Zelensky's Ukraine government use of a Russian invasion as a pretext to shut down all political and media opposition, and calling that "the ultimate example of Democracy".
Both Democrat and Republican leaders !

Because THEY would like to do the same to consolidate absolute power in their own countries. And have to a large extent already.
In the last 2 years of Covid-19 lockdown policies ,and increasingly in recent months, we've seen growing over-reaches by "democracies" worldwide. From the U.S., to Germany, to Austria, to Belgium, to Australia, New Zealand and Canada. That while all these nations are still touted as democracies, they increasingly exert authoritarian power to suppress protest and dissent, in ways more like those of communist China, or... well... Ukraine.

While still self-congratulating themselves as democracies, while condemning authoritarian abuses and human rights abuses in China or Russia, many of these nations, the U.S. included, have increasingly emulated these authoritarian tactics. In the last few months, I've seen corporate CEO's like the head of Disney, and Bill Gates, express their admiration for the China government's ability to "get things done more efficiently" than messy inefficient democracies.
Well, they "get things done" through intimidation and exertion of absolute power. And more so the Democrats, but also many establishment Republicans, are pushing to sidestep Constitutional rule of law in the U.S.
And similarly in other "free" nations, by sidestepping democracy and exerting a similar absolute authoritarian power.
It's terrifying that the elites in our own nations admire and emulate the authoritarian over-reach of the Chinese Communist Party, and increasingly exert the same powers in western nations.

On a side note, castrating captured Russian POW's... wow...


I initially went to this Twitter post for the hilarious Rambo-ized painting of Reagan and Bonzo from the 1951 movie. But the Twitter comments by some very prominent names (Rep Tulsi Gabbard, Jack Posobiec, Glenn Greenwald, etc.) about Elon Musk's purchasing Twitter stock to become the largest shareholder, and pressuring Twitter with that influence to stop abusing their power to censor conservatives, is an inspiring and almost instant reigning in of liberal authoritarian abuse at Twitter.

Granted, only reigning in one of many far-Left owned tech companies indulging in this kind of abuse and censorship.
But a step in the right direction, possibly lighting the way to reign in the others as well.

[Linked Image from cardcow.com]
This happened exactly a week ago:

OAN was taken off the air by Direct TV (at the order of parent company A T & T) .

A similar "de-platforming" of Fox News was attempted by the Obama administration, and at that time, all other news media sided with Fox News to keep Fox News included in the White House press corps briefings.
I was watching OAN at the moment it went off the air, which was at 11:59 PM Monday, April 4th.
At 12 midnight one minute later, Tuesday, OAN was off the air.

Simultaneously, Newsmax also was taken off the air at the same time, just snow on the screen, and after a few minutes replaced by a message of "We are experiencing technical difficulties", and came back on the air about an hour later.
An accident by Direct TV?
Or a warning to Newsmax, how close it is to a similar instant de-platforming ?

This 36-page legal case filed by OAN...

...details the exact circumstances of OAN's origins in 2013 (at the urging of A T & T !) their rise over the last 9 years to become the 24th most watched, and obviously profitable, cable channel on Direct TV. More than CNN, more than Bloomberg News. More than CNBC. Yet they remain on Direct TV, and OAN is removed.
And the case briefing lists the chronology of events, and specifically what executives at A T & T and Direct TV were instrumental in illicitly taking OAN off the air, and the legal damages sued for, at over $1 billion, for breach of contract, defamation of OAN and its owners, and lost revenue.
Despite being 24th of Direct TV's most profitable stations, for no clearly explained reason other than liberal Bolshevisim and de-platforming a dissenting political persuader of public opinion, its removal from Direct TV's stations is actually decreasing Direct TV and A T & T's profits and stock shareholders' profits, in what were increasingly viewed channels (OAN and AWE), that were increasing in profits for both Direct TV / A T &T, and for OAN, when the plug was maliciously pulled, for no clearly explained reason.

Most astonishing is (unlike when the Obama administration tried to exclude Fox News as "not a real news channel") I've seen absolutely no mention of the very sudden cancellation and silencing of OAN, even by Fox News and Newsmax. And as the above legal case makes clear, the same liberal groups like the NAACP and Media Matters, have the exact same de-platforming plans for Fox News and Newsmax.

The authoritarian silencing of all dissenting (conservative, and independent) news and opinion.
You'd think someone would want to sound the alarm and report that, before their networks suffer the same fate as OAN.

  • First they came for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up.
    --Pastor Martin Niemoller


Something that you might have noticed is that when GOP-controlled state legislatures go about setting congressional districts in a manner that benefits Republicans, well, the radical left in this country screams and hollers that this is gerrymandering and disenfranchisement among other things.
However, when folks in the Democratic Party participate in the very same kind of activity, no matter how badly it’s done, well, to them that’s just redistricting. It’s no biggie.

And that, dear readers, is likely how the Democrats who are in control of both the House and the Senate, along with the White House are likely planning to try and rig the 2022 midterm elections in their favor so that they do not lose control.
That’s what the whole mess with the 2020 presidential election was really about. If they could manage to pull off massive voter fraud, if they could end up getting away with it on a national scale, they could pull out all of the stops and prevent fair elections from ever happening again, ensuring they stay in power indefinitely.

In other words, goodnight America.

A report from Western Journal talks all about the left’s new strategy for trying to rig the election in their favor, saying, “And, if you’re the type that gets outraged at nakedly cynical redistricting, egregious is the only word that can be used for the map New York state Democrats have drawn up. While the state currently has 19 Democrat representatives and eight Republicans in the House of Representatives, the new map will have 20 Democrat-leaning seats, four Republican-leaning seats and only two competitive districts, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight.”

This is a pretty solid way to ensure that Nancy Pelosi stays in as House Speaker, especially since New York is a Democratic Party stronghold.
“While the Democrats are protesting maps drawn up by Republican legislatures, even taking states like Alabama to court, this is what passes muster with them. This is the kind of hypocrisy we highlight here at The Western Journal — the kind the media doesn’t like to cover. You can help us by joining the fight as a member of The Western Journal today,” the report stated.

On Wednesday, FiveThirtyEight put out a report that the state legislature passed a map “designed to give Democrats a huge advantage in the state,” which ended up losing a seat in reapportionment because of the 2020 census.
“The proposed map has an efficiency gap of D+9, but that understates how severely it would tilt the playing field toward Democrats,” FiveThirtyEight said in its report.

  • BREAKING: here is NY Dems' full congressional proposal, courtesy of @zach_solomon1. This is a 22D-4R gerrymander – and a pretty effective one. https://t.co/QleEKPMJy8 pic.twitter.com/yd7Iqx6DPh
    — Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) January 30, 2022

Not only did this create the 20-to-4 breakdown of safe seats for the Democrats and Republicans, the two “competitive seats” as they are called, are both now advantageous to the left.

“This is an increase of three Democratic-leaning seats, a decrease of three Republican-leaning seats and a decrease of one highly competitive seat from the old map,” the outlet continued.

“If the map is enacted, it would likely set up Democrats to flip the open Republican-held 1st and 22nd districts, as well as Republican Rep. Nicole Malliotakis’s 11th District. GOP Rep. Claudia Tenney would also be thrown into a competitive race against Democratic Rep. Antonio Delgado in the new 19th District,” the report said.

Conservative news outlet The Daily Wire also reported that Tenney announced Monday that she would be running to “represent the newly drawn New York’s 23rd Congressional District in Congress.” As she posted on Twitter :

  • We are officially announcing our campaign for #NY23 this year! I look forward to meeting and earning the support of even more New Yorkers and getting to work for our region in Congress. pic.twitter.com/NlTfQKizFJ
    — Claudia Tenney (@claudiatenney) January 31, 2022

The state of New York is supposed to have a bipartisan redistricting process. This whole thing right here proves that it’s not functioning the way it was intended.

“Such an egregiously biased map was only possible because of the weakness of New York’s new bipartisan redistricting commission,” FiveThirtyEight went on to say in its report. “Under state law, the legislature may simply draw its own map after rejecting the commission’s first two proposals.”

For FiveThirtyEight to use the word “egregious” here should really tell you how awful this is, especially because this publication is not known for being very conservative.

“It’s not just New York’s Democrat-leaning gerrymandering that could help Pelosi, either. The Washington Post — again, not a bastion of Republican sympathies — reported earlier this week that ‘in more than two dozen maps passed around the country, Democrats would net an additional five districts that Joe Biden would have won in 2020,'” the report from WJ said.

But remember, folks, it’s the GOP’s “gerrymandering” that’s the real issue.

“New York state Republicans were looking at challenging the map in court. In a statement, state GOP Chairman Nick Langworthy said it was a “brazen and outrageous attempt at rigging the election to keep Nancy Pelosi as speaker,” a report from the New York Post said.

“Democrats are circumventing the will of the people,” Langworthy remarked. “For all of their phony protestations about transparency and fairness in elections, what they’re doing is textbook filthy, partisan gerrymandering that is clearly in violation of the New York State Constitution.”

“We are reviewing all of our legal options to protect the voices of millions of New Yorkers,” he added.

If that doesn’t work, it could end up bringing Pelosi just a tad bit closer to keeping speakership after the midterms despite a wave of discontent with both Joe Biden and his administration, along with congressional Democrats.

And we most definitely don’t want that.

That's in addition to Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, TikTok, Apple, And the mainstream liberal print and broadcast media grinding their elbow into tipping the scales of every check and balance of our constitutional government and election system.

Democrats can never logically explain how Joe Biden won the 2020 election, in a campaign that should have been an overwhelming Republican victory in Nov 2020, comparable to Republican victories in the Nov 1972, and Nov 1984 elections. Even by the rigged Democrat official 2020 vote tally, Trump won 74,216,154 , more than 11 million votes greater than his 62,984,828 total for 2016.

There is no explanation of where Biden's 81,268,924 million votes came from in 2020, pulled out a magic hat. Clear election fraud. Biden couldn't draw 100 people to any of his election rallies. It makes no sense. There is no logical explanation given. And to even ask is labelled "violent white racist extremism" and "insurrection", despite that Democrats in 2000, 2004 and 2016 challenged EVERY ELECTION THEY DIDN'T WIN FOR 20 YEARS they didn't win, with ZERO evidence of election fraud.

Despite that TWO DEMOCRAT 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CANDIDATES (Sen Elizabeth Warren and Sen. Amy Klobuchar, along with Sen Ron Wyden) submitted legislation before congress to investigate the vulnerability of our election system, and specifically the vulnerability of Dominion Voting Systems.
Despite that CNN aired a news report (easily found re-broadcast on OAN) in 2017 on the easy hackability of Dominion's voting machines.

Despite the hyper-partisanship and Democrat allegiance of virtually every Dominion employee to the Democrats, open activism of many key Dominion employees in BLM, Antifa, the Clinton Foundation, and other Liberal?Democrat/Leftist activism, and the director of Dominion voting systems security Eric Coomer saying in an online zoom meeting "Trump isn't going to win [in 2020], I made fucking sure of that."
Among other vitriol on Coomer's social media directed at Trump and Republicans. The head person in charge of guarding neutrality and security of Dominion's voting machines ! All scrubbed away on EVERY Dominion employee's social media account after the election, so incriminating is the evidence.

But Democrats continue to insist there's no evidence of election fraud, no need to investigate. Scout's honor !
And to investigate or even question the election's integrity is treason ! Despite that Democrats have challenged every election for 20 years. But Republicans can't do the same, can't re-count the ballots and the integrity of how the ballots were counted, despite that the ballots are held for 22 months >>BY LAW f<< for precisely that purpose..

And now the Democrats are working overtime to rig Nov 2022 as well.

Trump rally, Greensburg, Pennsylvania Friday, May 6 2022, I hour 23 minutes

Posted here from Rumble, Trump is de-platformed on Google's search engine, Youtube, Facebook and (for now) Twitter.
OAN has also been taken off of Direct TV by parent company A T & T (as of May 7th), and A T & T as a result is the subject of a 36 page lawsuit in the billions by OAN, for breach of contract against OAN, and other legal offenses.

Fox News also has turned against Trump since Nov 2020. There are anchors and opinions on Fox News that are pro-Trump, but many others, and especially at the executive level (Paul Ryan, to name one), they are anti-Trump and part of the swamp establishment.

So now only Newsmax carries Trump's rallies live and replays them, and Rumble and Vimeo online.
And (by subscription now), no longer on Direct TV) on OAN. And while not on Youtube, video of Trump rallies can be seen on Bitchute, Rumble, and Vimeo video sites. As I said before, if you do a search on Google.com or DuckDuckGo.com the videos will not show up. You have to directly go to Bitchute, Vimeo, or Rumble, and search directly on their sites, or you would never find them on a search engine.

Likewise if you tried to Google:

The Federalist
National Review
LifeZette.com (Laura Ingraham)
LifeSite News (Catholic news)

I've seen writers and editors for each of these sites interviewed over the last 24 months, and where they used to get a fair amount of traffic to their sites in the tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands monthly, they now complain that in the months leading up to Nov 2020 and since, that traffic from searches has completely disappeared.
While still in business, they are operating at a loss and slowly being bankrupted by the exclusion. The traffic to their sites has moved to zero traffic from search engines. Their visibility has moved to zero through manipulations of Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and other dominant (liberal) search engines and social media algorithms.
And likewise, any negative news about Biden is minimized or completely ignored and buried by the mainstream broadcast and print media.

And as is made clear in this 36-page lawsuit filed by OAN against Direct TV and Parent company A T & T ...
...the de-platforming of OAN from cable service providers, is the clearly stated liberal-Bolshevik plan for Newsmax and Fox News as well

Why this is not a major story on both Newsmax and Fox is a mystery to me. Their existence is clearly threatened as well.
And that malicious intent is repeated by the DHS's new Soros-nurtured Ministry of Truth director Nina Jankowicz, the self-described Mary Poppins of censoring free speech. Stated as a goal by her, to de-platform both Fox and Newsmax, stated repeatedly, long before her DHS Ministry of Truth appointment.

[Linked Image from srnnews.com]

There should be Facebook and Twitter ostriches added to this cartoon.

Biden officials pressured Facebook, Twitter to censor 'misinformation', in case investigated by 2 state AG's
Facebook official told Biden administration how many posts, profiles had been taken down after meeting on White House 'expectations'

Multiple agencies in President Biden's administration coordinated with social media platforms to censor and suppress posts about COVID-19 they deemed misinformation, according to legal filings from state attorneys general.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry have filed a request to compel the Department of Justice to turn over all relevant communications between the White House, Department of State and the FBI with social media companies. The attorneys general have already gotten access to some communications that they say show administration officials pressuring Facebook and Twitter.

One email from a Facebook official to Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said, "I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward."

A week later, the Facebook official told the Department of Health and Human Services about how many posts and profiles had been deleted.

"[W]e removed 17 additional Pages, Groups and Instagram accounts tied to the disinfo dozen (so a total of 39 Profiles, Pages, Groups and IG accounts deleted thus far, resulting in every member of the disinfo dozen having had at least one such entity removed)," the Facebook official wrote, according to the emails released by Schmitt and Landry. "We also expanded the group of false claims that we remove to keep up with recent trends of misinformation that we are seeing."

Schmitt continued, "We have already received a number of documents that clearly prove that the federal government has an incestuous relationship with social media companies and clearly coordinate to censor freedom of speech, but we’re not done."

[ scanned redacted documents in case shown at link ]

"The discovery provided so far demonstrates that this Censorship Enterprise is extremely broad, including officials in the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General; and evidently other agencies as well, such as the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI, the State Department, the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission," Schmitt and Landry said. "And it rises to the highest levels of the U.S. Government, including numerous White House officials."

Social media giants are being scrutinized from multiple angles, with the GOP members of the House of Representatives making serious demands of Facebook for accountability.

House Republicans are demanding social media juggernaut Facebook preserves all communications with the FBI leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

GOP members of the House oversight and judiciary committees announced Thursday via an open letter that Facebook has failed to provide "complete responses" to concerns over their handling of the infamous Hunter Biden laptop.

The Republicans are now telling Facebook to keep all records of their contact with the FBI.

The weaponized Democrat-loyalist idealogues set up across multiple federal agencies under the Obama administration, continued their partisan authoritarian war on the American people during the Trump and now Biden administrations.
During Trump's presidency, often disobeying direct orders by Trump himself or cabinet heads, dragging or stonewalling action, to benefit the Democrat-Bolshevik party.

FBI tipped off Facebook before Hunter Biden laptop story censored ahead of 2020 election

by Liz George, Aug 26 2022

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted on Thursday that an FBI warning was behind Facebook’s decision to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election. A poll in the wake of the election showed 16 percent of Biden voters would have changed their vote if they knew about the scandal.

During an appearance on the popular podcast “The Joe Rogan Experience,” Zuckerberg told host Joe Rogan that the FBI warned Facebook about “Russian propaganda,” telling the tech giant to “be vigilant” in the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

“The background here is the FBI basically came to us, some folks on our team, and was, like, ‘Hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. … We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically, there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant,'” Zuckerberg said.

“If something is reported to us as potentially misinformation, important misinformation … we also visit third-party fact-checking programs because we don’t want to be deciding what’s true and false,” he added. “For the, I think it was, five or seven days when it was basically being determined whether it was false, the distribution [of the Hunter Biden laptop story] on Facebook was decreased.”
Zuckerberg noted that users were still allowed to share the story, but said Facebook’s interference made it “so fewer people saw it than would have otherwise.”

When asked how much the distribution was reduced, Zuckerberg said, “It’s meaningful.”

“We just kind of thought, hey, look, if the FBI, which I still view as a legitimate institution in this country, it’s like very professional law enforcement, they come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something, then I want to take that seriously,” Zuckerberg said.

Rogan then asked Zuckerberg if the FBI specifically asked Facebook to be “on guard” about the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“I don’t remember if it was that specifically, but it basically fit the pattern,” Zuckerberg replied.

Zuckerberg’s admission adds weight to concerns that the FBI interfered in the 2020 presidential election to reduce negative coverage of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. According to “highly credible” whistleblowers who spoke to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), the FBI had a “scheme” to cover up negative information about criminal activity involving President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, before the 2020 presidential election,

In a July 25 letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, Sen. Grassley revealed that “highly credible” whistleblowers alleged the FBI falsely portrayed “derogatory information relating to Hunter Biden” as “disinformation.”

Grassley wrote that the FBI allegedly developed information regarding Hunter Biden’s “criminal financial and related activity” in 2020, but in August of that year – just three months before the presidential election involving his father Joe Biden – an FBI Headquarters team used an internal assessment by FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten to “improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation.”

According to a Media Research Center poll conducted in the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, 16 percent of Biden voters said they would not have voted for Biden if they had known about the FBI’s investigation into the Biden family – meaning the public’s awareness of the Hunter Biden laptop scandal would likely have changed the outcome of the election.

So basically, it rigged the election. Trump would have won if not for Facebook.
And multiple other forms of election cheating in Nov 2020, such as Dominion voting machines, hundreds of thousands of fake mail-in ballots, massive rigging of votes in the Atlanta and Detroit election vote-counting centers, in both cities caught on camera pulling in massive boxes fake ballots, in addition to sending home Republican vote observers with the lie that vote counting was ended for the evening, ballot harvesting in retirement homes to rig their votes, mailing in ballots in the names of people who usually don't vote, out of state fake voters, ballots in the names of dead people, Pennsylvania illegally changing voter laws at the last minute, on and on.
Multiple streams of election fraud.

In the case of this particular story, weaponizing federal agencies against the voters, to manipulate the outcome.



But the FBI would never actually use this software to spy on U.S. citizens. Scouts' honor !

The way the FBI would never set up 3 guys for the fake Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping sting, using 12 federal agents to recruit and trap the 3 guys, where the FBI created the entire plan and the getaway van, and the 3 guys never would have ever done anything if the FBI hadn't tricked them into joining the plot.
The way the FBI tricked Randy Weaver to commit a gun crime violation, to force Weaver to be an FBI informant to avoid jail, and then made his life a living hell for no real reason when he wouldn't cooperate.

The way the FBI created multiple fake investigations, fake Russian "assets", moles to infiltrate Trump's 2016 campaign, the way the FBI falsified evidence against campaign aide Carter Page, and presented false evidence to a federal judge to get four consecutive illegal FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, and through Page, surveillance on the entire campaign staff.
The way the FBI tried to smear and destroy Trump's presidential campaign, and then failing in that, spent 4 years using their power to illegally cripple and topple his presidency. And are still throwing fake indictments and allegations at Trump, to try to prevent him from successfully running for president again in 2024.

Yeah, the FBI would never abuse their power or new technology to spy on U.S. citizens....

BUSTED : 51 Intelligence Experts who OUTRIGHT LIED about Hunter Biden Laptop being "Russian Disinformation", now exposed as liars, STILL refuse to apologize for suppressing the laptop story right before 2020 election (New York Post)

Liars exposed, shamelessly continue their deceitful narrative. And the at least 80% mainstream liberal media (up to 100% rabidly anti-Trump since the first impeachment in Jan 2020 and going forward) doesn't even cover the exposed true facts that ruin their liberal propaganda narrative.

If you want the FACTS, you have to go to Fox News, Newsmax, Bereitbart, Daily Caller, The Federalist, Washington Times, TownHall, or some other conservative media source, because George Orwell's liberal media absolutely refuses to report the truth.
And needless to say, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Google, Youtube, and Apple are likewise suppressing the undeniable facts.

Likewise the facts regarding Twitter's suppression of these facts, at the direction and collusion of the FBI.

Likewise the false narrative about the true science regarding Covid-19 and the scientists suppressed for 2 years from discosing the true science regarding Covid 19's origins at the Wuhan lab, and NOT at a wet market.
Likewise social media and mainstream liberal media's suppression of the ineffectiveness and dangers of the Covid vaccines, and the science that ACTUALLY CONTRA-INDICATED use of vaccine mandates and lockdowns.

Likewise social media and mainstream liberal media suppression of the known facts about the rigged Nov 2020 presidential election.

Likewise the media's suppression of the true facts about the Jan 6 2021 protests and rioting.
SPECIFICALLY: FBI director Jill Sanborn admitted there was NOT ONE firearm confiscated by law enforcement on Jan 6th. There was not "five people KILLED by white racist Trump supporters",
Against the mainstream lying narrative, there were ZERO deaths caused by Trump supporters, in fact one officer (Brian Sicknick, a Trump supporter) died of a stroke, and four TRUMP SUPPORTERS ostensibly died of natural causes. But 3 of whom actually may have died from repeatedly being fired upon by police with concussion grenades and tear gas DESPITE that they were just standing there peacefully protesting, two of whom had previously diagnosed fragility to heart attack and stroke issues, and one other had aasthma. And an unarmed 5' 2" Ashley Babbitt was flat-out murdered by unwarranted pistol fire from a Capitol police detective.
On top of that, completely suppressed is that then-President Trump in advance ordered 20,000 National Guard to be deployed in the Capitol that day, that Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and DC mayor Muriel Bowser prevented from being deployed, and when THEIR (Schumer, Pelosi, Bowser) actions caused the riot to occur by not preventively deploying National Guard, they very ironically, infuriatingly, accused Trump of "inciting" the rioting, despite that he did everything to prevent it, INCLUDING emphasizing in his speech that day his followers to "PEACEFULLY and patriotically let your voices be heard". And further Twitter-posted at least every 30 minutes throughout the afternoon on Jan 6th for his supporters to "remain peaceful"
On top of that, mainstream media and social media suppressed that there were "over 100,000" peaceful demonstrators that day, and only 600 of them went inside the Capitol building. And of those only 10%, about 60, were involved in any violent clashes with police or vandalism or theft.
And of those 60, about 20 were John Earle Sullivan's Antifa Salt Lake city group, DISGUISED as Trump supporters, not actual Trump supporters.
And another "at least 20" protesters were undercover FBI agents discuised at Trump supporters, as reported in the FBI's own investigation reports in FBI's own internal legal code as as "un-indicted co-conspirators". As reported by continuously for 2 years by RevolverNews, and by veterans publication AmericanGreatness.
So at least 40 of the 60 were >>>NOT<<< Trump supporters. And if a majority were NOT actual Trump supporters, can it fairly be described as a riot by Trump supporters?
Clearly, it was other groups with ulterior motives, there >>>TO FRAME<<< Trump supporters for their own federal / leftist false-flag operation, staged to discredit Trump and his supporters.

That is one hell of a cluster of false narratives that have been fronted daily by the mainstream media, by FBI, and by allied leftist social media, for two YEARS now.
And that's not even a complete list of all the false narratives being fronted by them.

After DirectTV de-platformed OAN from its cable network in May 2022, it just did the same to Newsmax about 2 weeks ago.

Despite the best spin of this from liberal Yahoo News...

Newsmax claims Direct TV pays "22 liberal news channels --that's not true

...no one with the slightest common sense would dispute that the 22 networks listed by Newsmax as faavored lower rated liberal channels, ARE, in fact liberal-biased media channels, whether or not they are technically "news" channels.
Comedy network for example, is a channel where a lot of under-40 people go for news and current events, going back to the days of Jon Stewart's daily show (and what a lunatic John Stewart has revealed himself to be in recent years). While not technically "news", many low-information voters regard it as a news source.

And as I've said often ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS are likewise liberal-left, and hyper-partisanly so. Reporters have self-identified for 50 years at a ratio of at least 80% as "liberal" and "Very liberal". Across the board. I quote often MRC.org, BIAS by Bernard Goldberg, LEFT TURN by Tim Groseclose, and extensive Pew Research data from the 2008 presidential election (showing that Fox news is the only network that was truly balanced in both positive and negative stories about the 2 candidates, and could only be spun as "right leaning" relative to the extremely left tilt of all the other mainstream liberal networks, that all were overwhelmingly biased for the Democrats and Obama in their coverage.

There's also the lawsuit I linked earlier by OAN against Direct TV and A T & T, that cites executives who are Democrat operatives, who have openly stated their intent to de-platform and eliminate conservative news networks from cable television, so there is no balancing news to break the wall of Democrat propaganda. While this does not eleiminate Newsmax, it overnight slashes their viewership by 13 million nationwide, and marginalizes Newsmax's influence.
Despite liberal Yahoo News' spin, that is just a fact. They have taken out and marginalized the two smaller consservative networks, and now they want to eliminate Fox.