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I meant to post this two days ago but I didn’t finish and got caught up in some family matters that made me busy.

I remember it was six years ago, the summer right before the fifth grade. Video games were pretty big in my life but I was separating apart from our relationship. Every now and then I would play the usual round of Starcraft without paying any heed with only mass rushes. I would sit in front of my pal’s Playstation into round after round of Mortal Kombat Trilogy until one of us got fed up through the course and threw the controller at each other. The industry was full of mediocrity at the time, with an occasional quip and gimmick. “Innovations” were making characters’ breasts larger or moving the player into the bold step of being able to make a highly grainy and pixilated stripper “Shake it”. It seemed the shooter was dying after all every game manufactured was just a new maze full of monsters that rushed at you. It seemed I was ready to quit.

Suddenly something came along and changed my world. Ironically just about the same time that the fall semester started and my life began transforming into the drudging pit of despair that engulfed later parts of my years I had heard of a brand new FPS already being nominated for GOTY awards. But it was no real use by then for I had no time for games. I was too busy caught up in tedious tasks dealing with long division, trickery, a+b=nothing important and surviving this world full of bullies, assholes, idiots, numbnuts, retards, morons, motards, douchebags and bitches. Then when of all things watching a VHS of Rush Hour of all things I finally saw it in Action, well actually I had seen Half-Life before yeeearsss before this in an insignificant spot on “Electronic Playground”, but I still remember this moment in my head. A group of quick-pasted together scenes conveying adrenaline in sight rushed past my eyes. A man was grabbed by this horrible 50 foot long tentacle and pulled through glass, a squad of marines dropped down from ropes then dropped a bomb into the sewer tunnel you were at and closed the airlock, a rocket was fired by the protagonist’s and though it went off mark, spiraled into it’s target and created a spectacular light show in the enemy Apache helicopter with the guide of a laser. My first reaction? “Whoa.”

My cousin and I downloaded the demo immediately which was a stand alone mission not seen anywhere in the released game. We were hooked. Sure a lot of the things done in Half-Life were done before but it mixed a lot of them in and did it well. The AI still freaks me out to this day with its intelligence, I remember it being the first shooter I played with opposing enemy factions that fought each other and containing allies that shot back if you screwed around. It had real story, real emotions, real team interactions which made it feel you didn’t feel like you were just in a maze but a real world and scripted sequences larger than life. I remember the first time I encountered a barnacle, I was about to walk right into it’s tongue before a green beret popped up in front of me as before he fired was dragged up from the ceiling as if a noose was wrapped around his neck and suffocated and dismembered by a horrible creature. I remember feeling really helpless watching through a window as a friend died or climbing up a ladder only to be greeted by a body right in your face. I was enraged at the conclusion after annihilating an alien army I was completely helpless because of some suit and had to either work for evil or die. I remember fondly losing my Half-Life virginity.

It didn’t just do a lot of things for us of course. It changed the gaming industry’s standard of a shooter itself and you can blame it for companies replicating the same formula over and over. It won game of the year award after game of the year award. Sure this boy had played video games before regularly but he wasn’t really into it until this gem came along. Half-Life made me a gamer. From playing Team Fortress Classic I regrettably learned to “leetspeak” fluently and spent day after day after school playing it. Soon it wasn’t just Team Fortress I was playing but The Opera, Front Line Force, Neo TF and later Counter-Strike the #1 action game which almost single-handedly made me quit gaming. I delved into other shooters as well, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Tribes, the list goes on. Pretty soon two years have passed I was now in the 7th grade and it was still the number one game online. I now had friends who were no longer afraid of girls and had long enough attention spans to play this with. We had LAN parties and tournaments, the people I once taught the mechanics of a game were now beating me round after round. It was a great time.

I thought the phenomenon would be over in another year but the mod community stayed strong and kept dispensing modification after modification and update after update. Eventually it looked nearly nothing like the original product. Now voice communications were possible due to the efforts of Valve. After five years it was still the number one game. But by then I was in high school and I had too many things to worry about than some silly game. I was suffering from depression and couldn’t afford to keep up to date with my hobby. By now most of my friends in my environment have so many narcotics in their bloodstream they couldn’t last a round. And nothing on the market looked too interesting or innovative.

Then on the date of the 2003 Electronics Entertainment Expo, my cousin called me up and told me I have to come over right now. A reporter friend of his told him that footage of Half-Life 2 was being distributed over the internet. Half-Life 2? They’re making a sequel now? A grainy video of the original Half-Life G-Man popped out and was replaced by a man who could’ve been from real life. An announcer detailed that he had over 40 facial muscles built in him and lip synching is so good that deaf people reportedly understood speech by viewing intently in his lips. We watched wood break at the excact location where it was shot then barrels falling down after a beam was broke. We watched a trendy anti gravity gun sweep up a dead body and slam him into a table throwing him and the table’s contents into the photo-realistic-water. I thought Doom 3 looked good and then I saw this. We continued viewing as enemies were chopped to bits, when a radiator was ripped off a wall then used as a shield and shot onto a combine soldier. We watched as a bomb was thrown underneath a shed which fell down and crush the people under. We watched as a futuristic aircraft blew the power lines up and down trying to gun you down, flapping the skeletons of cars, pushing them towards you until it was finally shot down skidded and flew right into you. We watch a hundred foot tall H.G Wells inspired tripod-creature impale a man and throw kick him off. It had the most realistic physics I had ever seen outside of real life. You people were still talking about the overly dark and bump mapped visuals of Doom 3 when I was trying to shout out: “THERES BETTER!” If I could sum it up in a sentence “It was the prophesized game sent to God sent to rule the other games and judge the wicked.” The child inside me was born again. And I couldn’t believe it when they announced it was coming this fall not next this fall, only three or so months away!

But those months had passed and no Half-Life 2. It was estimated that it’ll be released by Christmas but it didn’t come. Later on it was reported that Valve had been hacked and work had been lost within it. The gaming community remained on their seats hectic. Gabe Newell issued a plea for the community to help track the hacker down and enlisted the help of the FBI. Rival game developers began making wild accusations after another release date citing that the footage was false and wasn’t possible, that Valve is tricking people into buying an incomplete and poor product. I wasn’t sure when it was to be released. By then I had looked to more “serious” causes about the future, and the community. I then got dragged into political causes advocating leftist policies, which were a terrible waste of time. When I wasn’t working the soup kitchen, or feeding the elderly, or sweeping up the streets my sister dragged me along to rally for her friend Matt Gonzalez who was running for mayor. We failed. She got me to fight for abortion rights. We failed. She got me to stand up to gay rights. We failed. My friend had me funding John Kerry. We failed. I began seeking something called “love”, limited my monthly comics to only Gotham Central and Y-The Last Man and began working more just to pay for upgrades needed for the betterment of the game. I played Natural Selection for a week straight to get back on track with my skills. We still waited, we patiently waited. Then they gave a date! No this time its for real! They weren’t kidding. November the 16th! It was going gold.

By now it’s already out and it’s already been nominated for awards but I’m scared to pick it up. I have my preorder ticket at Gamestop right in front of me but I’m not sure how this is going to affect me. When I was introduced to it I was 10 and now I’m 16 but I feel just the same thinking about it. I’m afraid it’s going to cut me off from other activities, such as school and school work, my job, friends, even sex unless it has to do with the sweet love I’m going to make with this game. If you think my absence from the DCMBs was bad wait until you see continues from here. The future of gaming his here and mine have ended.

Pick up the crowbar. GAME ON!

Last edited by Fused; 2004-11-19 8:29 AM.

Voted "Biggest Waste Of Space" On The Bat-Boards For "Multiple Reasons"

Jerry Falwell On Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer:
"Those hollywood, homosexual, jewish types making a show about a reindeer who is 'different' and just cant 'hide it'. Everyone knows if he tries hard enough he can convert himself to a normal, black-nosed reindeer."

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Anonymous One said:
“It was the prophesized game sent to God sent to rule the other games and judge the wicked.”

Preach on my brother. Preach on.

Five years ago I had a group of friends that lived in a duplex. 2 rooms per side for 4 rooms total. We played alot of Dreamcast, Playstation 1 and the occasional PC title. They bought a game called Half-Life and began to play it incessantly. Being a fighter-gamer myself I didn't pay attention to such nonsense as I just didn't find the appeal of those "Doom games". After weeks of visiting my friends only to be ignored by their complete absorption of this game, they had managed to network their 4 computers together fighting each other on teams of 2. I would watch TV and hear hoops and hollers of rejoice and outrage. I had played a first person shooter before but only briefly on the N64 in the form of James Bond: GoldenEye. I decided to say "what the hell", see what this Half-Life's all about.

I awkwardly flailed about the 3-D world incessantly getting killed and becoming sick with vertigo. After a couple weeks I had adjusted and began to learn the engine. After training with my friends I'd learned that I had never played a game that allowed for such maneuverability ever. We took our battle online and fought Half-Life players around the country and even around the world. We had a bonding activity and had limitless amounts of fun becoming a dominant force in this trivial little game. I even learned to reskin 3-D model textures to make a custom skin for our clan for a game in a genre that I had absolutely no interest in.

Fast forward 5 years and only hours before I read this post did I spend an hour fragging people in Half-Life deathmatch. The HL2 buzz was getting to me and I had to kill some mother fuckers. I got a call last night from my boy that lives a town away from me expressing his utter jubilation of playing Half-Life 2: the sequel to the only game that pre-dates the year 2000 that I still regularly play outside of Galaga. I've refrained from buying it due to my scholastic activities. But after this weeked and during the Thanksgiving holiday it is on.

“It was the prophesized game sent to God sent to rule the other games and judge the wicked.”

Halo what? I say.

Half-Life 2: The baddest hardcore asskicker of all electronic entertainment is upon us.

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Savor the moments!

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Neither myself or any of my friends have a hope in hell of being able to run Half-Life 2 on our aged machines.

The original Half-Life and its add on pack, where you played one of the Marines, were the last games that I was able to run on my optimised Pentium 120 and I really had to stretch the system to get the best out of it.

I reinstalled Half-Life a few days ago and the fact that it now looks so dated, in terms of the structure and the gameplay is a testimony to how influential it was on the titles that came after it and built on its foundation.

After Half-Life the old Doom / Quake style first person shooters were never going to be quite as satisfying.

Related Links:

Some Half Life 2 Reviews

Half-Life 2’s Real Battle

Half Life 2 Coin-Op

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Jesus Christ! Pentium 120? Why don't you try running PSP games on a Playstation One while you're at it. Thats bad!

Voted "Biggest Waste Of Space" On The Bat-Boards For "Multiple Reasons"

Jerry Falwell On Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer:
"Those hollywood, homosexual, jewish types making a show about a reindeer who is 'different' and just cant 'hide it'. Everyone knows if he tries hard enough he can convert himself to a normal, black-nosed reindeer."

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Half-Life 2 is, simply put, the best single-player shooter ever released for the PC.

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Anonymous One said:
Jesus Christ! Pentium 120? Why don't you try running PSP games on a Playstation One while you're at it. Thats bad!

My brother found a cardboard box full of old computer parts at his place of work, so hopefully I'm going to get a working computer out of all that. It still won't run Half-Life 2 though.

Does Gordon Freeman still look like a geography teacher?

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He wouldnt be Gordon if he didnt!

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He looks like a guy who was beat up throughout his years in high school and never fired a gun in his life.

Like he is.

Voted "Biggest Waste Of Space" On The Bat-Boards For "Multiple Reasons"

Jerry Falwell On Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer:
"Those hollywood, homosexual, jewish types making a show about a reindeer who is 'different' and just cant 'hide it'. Everyone knows if he tries hard enough he can convert himself to a normal, black-nosed reindeer."

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Buy this yet? I wont be able to buy it until I buckle down and reformat my machine. Its been acting really screwy and wont let me install any new games. I need to get my head examined for not owning this yet.

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Here's my personal experience. I played a lil Half-Life 2 DeathMatch at my boys this weekend. I was fragging some chowderheads online and pulled out my crossbow. A dude was climbing down a shaft and I fired a crossbow bolt that literally launched him 5 feet into the air and plugged him up against the wall. His carcass was dangling pinned up against the wall for the duration of the map. It was so dope I couldnt take it. Hard. Fucking. Core.

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How long was I gone? I stopped playing it only because I've been having some trouble with Steam in the past two days.

I never thought killing a stranger across the country by bashing a toilet bowl across their skull would be so fun.

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Well after sporadically playing it every other week online at my buds house, I finally got my new machine up and running and picked up HL2. The actual 1-Player experience is just about the best game ever made. It's the closest thing to an interactive movie I've ever played. The level of immersion is absolutely unparalleled. Playing the shit out of it and loving it.

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backwards7 said:
I've just finished Half-Life 2 on hard.

I've gone through this game three times now. I thought that after this time, I'd give it a rest but on reflection I think that I'm going to play through it again.

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I love it, and can run it no problem on a Gateway 700MHZ Celeron with a cracked motherboard. I need a new computer. Steam sucks if you have dial-up, though.

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