
SHOWTIME just cancelled "The First Lady" series

I heard about this “First Lady” series that was playing on Showtime…. because of how god-awful the Michelle Obama character was. A while back I caught a clip of the actress who played Michelle, and it was really bad. So, it’s not shocking to hear that the series got canceled. I wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle Obama called up Showtime herself and demanded they yank it off the air. “First Lady” only made it one season, thanks to all the negative reviews surrounding the Michelle Obama character. It was just too much for Showtime to handle, so they pulled the plug.

Showtime ended up hitting Michelle with not one, but two humiliating whacks. First, was that terrible portrayal of her, and next, canceling the show. The whole thing looks bad, and I am sure the Obamas are not happy.

Bizpacreview reported that the one-and-done drama anthology bombed and failed to pick up any major Emmy Award nominations. The only recognition it got was in technical categories. On Monday, Showtime announced the cancellation of the series which boasted an all-star cast and received huge publicity, stating that the show “will not be moving forward with another season.”

“We would like to applaud the artistry and commitment of our showrunner Cathy Schulman, director Susanne Bier, their fellow executive producers, our amazing cast, led by executive producer Viola Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Gillian Anderson, and our studio partner Lionsgate for their dedicated work in telling the unique stories of three remarkable leaders,” the announcement concluded.

The series was intended to showcase the wives of presidents and planned to focus on three first ladies a season. The first season portrayed Viola Davis as Michelle Obama, Michelle Pfeiffer as Betty Ford, and Gillian Anderson as Eleanor Roosevelt.

New York magazine ripped the show, calling it a “bad-wig costume drama.” Time magazine asserted that Davis and Anderson were “egregiously miscast.”

Many viewers cringed at Davis pursing her lips in an imitation of Michelle Obama. The affectation was seen as overly exaggerated and distracting, not to mention extremely unattractive.

TMZ stated that the pursed, disapproving lips resemble the so-called “duck face” that is frequently used in selfies making someone look like they had just finished sucking on a lemon.

Davis was offended by the assertion and told BBC News that it is “incredibly hurtful when people say negative things about your work,” while also admitting that negative criticism is an “occupational hazard” of acting.

Her portrayal of Michelle Obama was truly horrific.

Keep in mind that Showtime and all the actors involved are Leftist Democrats with an adoring opinion of the Obamas. So the portrayal of the Obamas, as angrily racist and N-word laden as it is, can be presumed to be intended as favorable and accurate to the way the Obamas truly are behind closed doors. And Michelle Obama is the more angry and race-obsessed of the two. As quoted in a CBS News piece I posted way back in 2008, Michelle Obama despite having the very best at every turn of her life, from attending the best of the Ivy League colleges, to a cushy attorney job to becoming First lady portrayed here, she has long been remarkably angry and bitter for someone so blessed.

And even in this reverent Showtime series portrayal, she comes across as offputtingly racist and ugly. To the point that audiences and critics were repelled, and the series was prematurely cancelled.