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by Tracy Jan
April 7, 2018

BET founder Robert L. Johnson, America’s first black billionaire, said during a CNBC appearance on Friday that black Americans should be encouraged by the growing economy under President Trump.

“Something is going right,” said Johnson, owner and chairman of Bethesda-based asset management firm RLJ Companies.

He cited the December jobs report showing that unemployment among black workers was at its lowest since the Labor Department began tracking the data in 1972.

Black unemployment did fall to 6.8 percent in December, before rising and dipping again to 6.9 percent in March, according to the latest jobs numbers released Friday. But black unemployment remains nearly double the white unemployment rate of 3.6 percent, even though the gap has narrowed somewhat.

Johnson, during his appearance on “Squawk Box” on Friday morning before the March jobs report was released, was optimistic about how black Americans will continue to fare economically.

"You have to take encouragement from what's happening in the labor force and the job market," Johnson said. "When you look at African American unemployment, in over 50 years since the Bureau of Labor Statistics has been keeping the numbers, you've never had two things: African American unemployment this low and the spread between unemployment among whites and African Americans narrowing.

“That absolutely means the jobs market is soliciting employees who have been out of the labor force, some of it just based on discrimination, some of it based on changes in education, access and technology changes,” he continued. “And so when you look at that, you have to say something is going right.”

Johnson praised the current U.S. business environment, “if you take into account the Trump tax cut,” he said. “I believe the economy is on a strong growth path.”

The December tax cuts were the largest one-time reduction in the corporate tax rate in U.S. history. The GOP bill, sold on the promise that it would drive up wages and increase job growth, also lowered taxes for the vast majority of Americans, as well as small-business owners.

While Trump often claims credit for the lower black unemployment rate — touting it in his State of the Union address in January and even tweeting a CNBC story about Johnson’s comments Friday — the brightening economic outlook preceded his presidency. The black unemployment rate had steadily declined during Barack Obama’s two terms, from nearly 17 percent in 2010, after the recession, down to 7.8 percent by the time Trump entered office in January 2017.

“Most of the programmatic work was set into motion before the last administration was leaving,” said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau.

Some economists criticized Johnson’s rosy assessment of the economic
“Most of the programmatic work was set into motion before the last administration was leaving,” said Hilary Shelton, director of the NAACP’s Washington bureau.

Hamilton noted that the structural nature of work has changed drastically since the government began tracking employment statistics, with very different implications today in regard to job security, wages and retirement benefits.

“Work is more precarious today than it was in the past, and in particular, black individuals are more likely to be in precarious employment scenarios with jobs that face greater wage and work-hour volatility,” Hamilton said. “Bob Johnson’s in the billionaire’s club with Donald Trump, so it’s not surprising that they align in their vision on labor.”

Johnson, who’s been friendly with Trump through the years, said he had met with Trump at his golf club in New Jersey shortly after his win when the president-elect offered Johnson a cabinet position.

“I thought I would meet to see if there’s common ground with someone most in the black community might call an enemy,” Johnson told NBC at the time. “It was clearly based on the respect two businessmen would give each other.”

Johnson reiterated Friday that he turned down the cabinet position because he didn’t want to work for the government. He said he continues to have access to top administration officials -- including Trump himself during a meeting last week in Florida -- who he speaks with regularly about improving the economic lives of African Americans. Among the issues he said he's engaged them on are encouraging black workers to save for retirement and keeping black-owned banks solvent so poor communities would have access to capital.

Johnson, a Democrat and supporter of Hillary Clinton, had previously penned an essay on how African American voters should respond to the “tectonic political rift” resulting in Trump’s election.

“Why shouldn't we, as Black voters, reject the notion that we are locked into one party which undoubtedly limits and dilutes our voting power? We should, , instead, use the power of our vote to support and elect whichever party that best serves our interests,” Johnson wrote.

He went on to quote former representative William Lacy Clay Sr. (D-Mo.), who formed the Congressional Black Caucus in 1971: "Black people have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, just permanent interests."

“That was the CBC motto then and Black Americans should embrace it as our rallying cry today,” Johnson wrote.

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I would point out that the economy didn't just become good last year. Black employment steadily increased under Obama. There wasn't a sudden rise but a steady curve. Spanky was the head birther before running for President. The better economy he called a bubble until he became President. The GOP is actually going to need to change to attract a more diverse voter.

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Tavis Smiler and other representatives of the black community would disagree with that fronted liberal narrative.

Tavis Smiley said that Obama has singlehandedly wiped away 40nyears of black progress, in measures of declining employment, declining income, food stamp usage, decreased ratio of home ownership and other measures. And that if a white president had overseen that kind of decline in black America, there would have been million-man black marches on Washington.

Tavis Smiley: In The Era of Obama Blacks Have Lost Ground In Every Major Economic Category

January 15, 2016

PBS host Tavis Smiley acknowledges that he, and others, got "so caught up in the symbolism of the Obama presidency," that they didn't press as hard as they should have on issues that are important to the black community.

"Sadly, and it pains me to say this, over the last decade black folk, in the era of Obama have lost ground in every major economic category," Smiley said Friday in an interview with Huffington Post. "Not one, two or three [categories], but every major economic category, black americans have lost ground"

"We've been so caught up in the symbolism of the Obama presidency, we haven't pressed as hard as we should on the substance of this presidency," Smiley said. "Black people and black leaders have been too deferential to this president."

TAVIS SMILEY: Sadly, and it pains me to say this, over the last decade black folk, in the era of Obama have lost ground in every major economic category. Not one, two or three [categories], but every major economic category, black americans have lost ground...

Although black folk have caught the most hell in the last 10 years, including being shot and killed in the streets by cops who keep getting away with that... black people are still the most optimistic people, they're still the most hopeful about their future. That has a lot to do with our faith, with our belief in each other, with our love for Barack Obama...

We've been so caught up in the symbolism of the Obama presidency, we haven't pressed as hard as we should on the substance of this presidency... Black people and black leaders have been too deferential to this president. They've been deferential because they know he was being piled on by the Republicans. They saw the obstructionism. They saw the name calling… They've heard about the death threats, they've seen people breaking into the white house and climbing the fence, stuff that never happened with white presidents. So there's a skepticism, if not a cynicism, about what's happened to this president on his watch.

And actually, there were incidents of people giving death threats to W. Bush and other previous presidents. Reagan was shot. Gerald Ford likewise was almost assassinated. I didn't see any incidents with Obama that were nearly as close as Ford or Reagan. And one demented guy even crashed a plane on the WHite House property. A few years ago, I posted an article that cited that despite Obama had less death threats than W. Bush, the lesser threats about Obama were hyped more, and (of course!) attributed to "racism". Never mind legitimate outrage to Obama's lawlessness and executive order usurping of the Senate and Congress. And even declaring war in Libya without Congressional approval (whereas Bush had full approval.)

I would argue that the name calling at W. Bush was at least as vitriolic as anything Obama had to endure.

But regardless, Tavis Smiley acknowledges black America and the media's complacency during Obama's destruction of black America.

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    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.
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Tavis Smiley: Black people have lost ground under Obama

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It's more than a narrative, it's the truth WB. Spanky was front page news for a long time accusing Obama of not being a US citizen. And the economic data doesn't show a sudden surge in employment for blacks when Trump became President but a constant growth that started after 2009. Obama could have tried doing more but I think it would have been met with even greater resistance from the GOP. He did the best he could being President of the whole nation, including people that hated him but love the dishonest sleaze that we have now.

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The truth is that after the stock market plummeted on the news that Obama was elected in Nov 2008, and continued to plummet and millions in layoffs were triggered into early/mid 2009, at some point the market bottomed out and there was nowhere else for the market to go but up.

NOT because of anything Obama did that was beneficial to the market, in spite of Obama socialist and anti-business policies. I challenge you to produce anything, any policy whatsoever, from Obama that was stimulating to growth. Even Obama's "stimulus bill" and "shovel ready jobs" were essentially slush funds for liberal political groups and not actually stimulating, except for subsidies for political supporting corporations like GE, and disastrous subsidized failed environmental projects like Solyndra.

What Obama provided economically could at best be described as "state-run capitalism" comparable to that of authoritarian China, or Hitler's Germany, where rather than actual growth and promotion of innovation and efficiency, a central government predetermines who will be the companies that will be allowed to grow, and the ones that will be "punished" into insolvency and bankruptcy. Just ask the unemployed voters and executives of West Virginia's formerly thriving coal-mining industry.

And don't give me the line that coal is an obsolete industry, China opens another new coal factory every 2 or 3 weeks. And since Trump has become president, coal has had the federal weight taken off their shoulders, and is growing again.

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Another I just thought of was Obama's "cash for clunkers" plan that scrapped hundreds of thousands of used cars for environmental reasons.

It created a temporary boost of new-car in the initial months, followed by a slump. But ultimately, it didn't change anyone's decision to make them buy a new car, it just sped up the decision to buy by those already predisposed to do so.

And for years after, it created an artificial scarcity of used cars, that just made it far more expensive for several years to buy a used car. Another manifestation of the economic genius of Comrade Obama and his Central Committee.

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, black unemployment rose to 7.7 percent in January after previously falling to 6.8 percent in December, which was the lowest reported since the records first began in 1972.

Employment numbers for February have not yet been released, and it’s unclear if the black unemployment rate has changed since the January jobs report.

The current overall unemployment rate sits at 4.1 percent.
Trump and the White House have both touted black employment rates, including during the president's first State of the Union speech last month, in which he said the rate was something he was "very proud of."

Critics of Trump have said that the relatively low numbers for black unemployment are the result of the gradual economic recovery since the Great Recession in the last decade.

The unemployment rate among African-Americans has seen an overall decline since 2011, when former President Obama was still in office.

So much for the DNC talking points liberal narrative.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

The truth is that after the stock market plummeted on the news that Obama was elected in Nov 2008, and continued to plummet and millions in layoffs were triggered into early/mid 2009, at some point the market bottomed out and there was nowhere else for the market to go but up.

This is total bullshit. McCain's quote about the economy cratering comes to mind. It's well documented that the economy was in big trouble before the election. And the GOP did everything it could to obstruct Obama. Remember the budget battles and your party talking about a deficit that was intolerable than but now besides some grumbling get passed with your party in full control? I'm sure you do so why even bother with this sad attempt at revisionism?

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, black unemployment rose to 7.7 percent in January after previously falling to 6.8 percent in December, which was the lowest reported since the records first began in 1972.

Employment numbers for February have not yet been released, and it’s unclear if the black unemployment rate has changed since the January jobs report.

The current overall unemployment rate sits at 4.1 percent.
Trump and the White House have both touted black employment rates, including during the president's first State of the Union speech last month, in which he said the rate was something he was "very proud of."

Critics of Trump have said that the relatively low numbers for black unemployment are the result of the gradual economic recovery since the Great Recession in the last decade.

The unemployment rate among African-Americans has seen an overall decline since 2011, when former President Obama was still in office.

So much for the DNC talking points liberal narrative.

Are you even reading what your posting? Unemployment declined for blacks since 2011. It went back up in January. I think usually at this point you find someway of blaming Obama for it but you apparently forgot that the rate going up is not good.

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I don't see any sources for what you said about black unemployment declining during Obama's term, M E M.

What I sourced is from The Hill, which a moderate and widely respected Washington DC newspaper about Washington politics.

And they said that during Trump's presidency, black unemployment has reached the lowest numbers EVER since they began statistically recording them in 1972. That would be the lowest in 46 years.

That means Trump has far exceeded whatever improvement Obama may have had.

And you still haven't answered: What EXACTLY did Obama do to improve black employment? Or employment in the U.S. overall?

If there was any improvement under Obama, it was due to sheer coincidence, NOT because he implemented any policy in his 8 years to actually improve jobs or the economy.
Quite the opposite, Obama's economic plans were calculated to INCREASE government dependency, and successfully doubled food stamps and disability claims, which the Obama administration openly solicited expanding enrollment of, even soliciting further enrollment with radio and TV commercials!

That doesn't sound like the Obama administration had any interest in private sector job growth. Quite the opposite, the Democrat plan is to get as many people on government dependence as possible, so they always vote Democrat, the party that keeps the freebies coming.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy

I don't see any sources for what you said about black unemployment declining during Obama's term, M E M.

What I sourced is from The Hill, which a moderate and widely respected Washington DC newspaper about Washington politics.


The very article you posted says black unemployment started declining since 2011 and it actually went back up in Jan. The bulk of the decline happened under Obama btw.

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All Obama really did was print money (tripling the money supply from $800 billion to well over 3 trillion) and spike the national debt (taking it from $10 trillion to 20 trillion, more new debt than any president in U.S. history). When you're throwing that many borrowed and printed dollars around, you can paint the illusion of abundance and economic growth. What is astonishing is that despite Obama doing all that debt expansion, he still could not even achieve 3% growth in any year of his presidency.

But of course, that was Bush's fault. Amazing how everything bad that happened is because of Bush, and everything good that happened is because of Obama.
And going forward, the spin is that everything good that happens was because of Obama, and everything bad is because of Trump. But meanwhile, black employment is higher than in any year of Obama's presidency.
And North Korea for the first time is offering to scrap their nuclear program.
And the economy overall is better than in any year under Obama.
And despite every Democrat obstruction, illegal border crossings are down.
And our military is being rebuilt.
And the world respects U.S. leadership again.
And factories and jobs are coming back to the U.S.
And Trump is re-negotiating better trade deals.

You guys just can't give Trump credit for being a far better president than either Obama was, or Frau Hitlery would have been. None of this would have happened under either of these two.

Obama's contribution... ?
Riots. Demagoguery. Alinsky tactics.
"If I had a son, he would have looked like Trayvon."
"The police acted stupidly."
"If you want your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan." (Politifact's "Lie of the Year"!)
And Jonathan Gruber's revelation about Obamacare's passing: "Call it the stupidity of the American voter."

Every poll and statistical study shows Obama's presidency hurt race relations, and created the sharpest decline in black progress.
Sorry you have trouble processing that reality.

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You do recognize though that the bulk of those declines in unemployment happened while Obama was President. Seems to me that you're the one who is guilty of the things your accusing the other side of.

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No, I don't. While the numbers of unemployment were declining in the latter half of Obama's presidency, that didn't nearly compensate for the way they rock-bottomed out during the first half of his presidency. Real economic growth never occurred under Obama.
And Tavis Smiley said Obama had during his presidency "undone 50 years of black progress, and if he were a white president, there would be million-man black marches on Washington."

Larry Elder lays out the statistics of a declining black America over the last 50 years under liberal policy:

Larry Elder, on alleged 'racism' toward black suspects

A cycle of poverty that President Trump has begun to change.

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Pretty easy to disprove that. Unemployment was 5 percent before Obama became President. That was at a time when both parties knew the economy was bad. When he left office it was under 5 percent. The jobs created under Obama's last year was greater than Trump's first year. Like Clinton, Obama left the next President a economy much better than what he got. I expect when the Trump recession starts you will of course blame Obama, lol

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I recall the economy tanked the day Obama was elected. And the market, and employment went down down down down through his entire first year. Arguably, unemployment wasn't that bad when W. Bush was still president, and the downturn occurred AFTER Obama won the election. I recall unemployment at about 6% when he left. And I recall for two years after the media was fronting despite the job loss "Hey we're already out of recession, unemployment is just a lagging indicator!" Even as unemployment continued on and on. Despite the media flying air-cover for Obama, nothing changed.

I'll grant that employment numbers improved in the latter 8 years of Obama's presidency, but the net of jobs created to compensate for the job losses that were created after his election were unimpressively low. And while you no doubt would blame the job losses on Bush, I would again say that the precipitous and sustained stock market and mass layoffs began AFTER Obama's election, and I would argue in direct reaction to his anticipated economic policy.

And despite trillion dollar annual deficits, despite printing dollars at an unprecedented rate (expanding the money supply from $800 billion to over three trillion), a combined policy I call "burning the wick at both ends, despite all this manipulation, Obama never managed to reach 3% growth any year of his presidency.

I'm still at a loss to explain anything Obama actually did to create jobs. I think at some point, the layoffs and economic drop he oversaw went so low, there was just nowhere for the economy to go from there but up.

I used to visit whole foods a lot during that time, and I watched their stock go from 40 dollars a share to below 5 dollars a share. And then it actually went up within 2 years to over 50 dollars a share! So I guess at some point it became a good buying opportunity. In spite of Obama, because at some point there was nowhere to go but up.
If you disagree, please explain precisely what policy Obama enacted to stimulate growth. Other than inefficient printing of dollars and massive annual trillion-dollar deficits.

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The recession started in 2007 well before Obama became President.

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We've been over this before. Bush inherited a recession from Clinton (that reached its definition third consecutive quarter of growth almost the day W. Bush was inaugurated.)

And the recession that occurred in the last year of Bush's presidency was not exclusively his fault, both parties could have done more to prevent it. Caused bu millions of foreclosed homes, and the bank losses speread into mortgage backed securities. And if blame were to be limited to one party, it is the Democrats who were primarily to blame, who obstructed any attempt to reign in unqualified mortgage loans as "racist" and "hating the poor".

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Where is it factually stated that a recession started while Clinton was President?

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Again, we've been over this before.

A recession is defined as three consecutive quarters of negative growth. The economy was slowing and had two consecutive quarters in 2000. The third consecutive quarter of negative growth occurred within days of W. Bush's inauguration. While TECHNICALLY the official criteria to define it as a recession were met "on Bush's watch", Bush had just been inaugurated and had not implemented any policy, so clearly it was NOT Bush or his policies that caused the recession. that the circumstances that caused the recession occurred on Clinton's watch.

As did the housing bubble begun under Clinton from 1995-2006, that created the foreclosure crisis of 2008-2010. Mortgage lending practices that allowed millions of home mortgages to be created, for people who vastly lied about their income in no-money-down loans. And every attempt by Republicans was obstructed and demagogued by Democrats (see YouTube clip in my last post above) so that what began under Clinton was able to develop to its full destructive potential. Millions of foreclosures, and huge losses by banks on these foreclosures, that spread to other areas of the economy.

To the point that there was a TARP bailout to prevent the entire financial system from collapsing. That inefficiently mostly sat in accounts unused even 2 years after the 750 billion was legislated, and was inefficiently not used by the Obama administration, whose priorities in their Bolshevic revolution were Obamacare and "radical transformation of America", rather than the economy Obama campaigned to fix in 2008.

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Lol, yes we have and you trying to blame Clinton for a recession that started over 7 years after he was President is just as ridiculous with each telling. It's also why I know you'll pass the buck the next time a recession hits a republican president. As for the first Bush recession, it was one of the mildest recessions ever. Economists looking back even have suggested that if 9/11 where economic activity was virtually shut down for a couple of days it wouldn't have even registered as a recession.

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Clinton DID start the housing bubble.
It was planned by him and Greenspan to compensate for the bubble.

And they knew all along that annual spikes in home prices of 10, 15 20% a year was unsustainable and would have a collapse at some later point. As it did in 2006.

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Bush was President for most of that bubble. I don't find it credible trying to blame somebody that wasn't even in office for over 6 years when it popped.

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Again, asked and answered:

During much of that time, Bush didn't control the House and Senate. Or by very narrow majorities.

As cited, Bush and the Republicans made repeated attempts to enact stricter lending standards, that would have vastly diminished or prevented the crisis. But Democrats obstructed them and called them mean and racist at every turn. Barney Frank assured us all that Fannie Mae was "structurally sound" and very strong, right up until the day it went down like the Titanic.

And then incredibly, blamed it on Republicans.

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I looked it up:

107th Congress (Jan 2001-Jan 2003)
Senate: 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 1 independent (and they always caucus with Democrats)
House: 209 Democrats, 223 Republicans, 2 independents

108th Congress (Jan 2003-Jan 2005)
Senate: 48 Democrats, 51 Republicans, 1 independent
House: 205 Democrats, 229 Republicans, 1 independent

109th Congress (Jan 2005-Jan 2007)
Senate: 44 Democrats, 55 Republicans, 1 independent
House: 233 Democrats, 202 Republicans

110th Congress(Jan 2007-Jan 2009)
Senate: 49 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 2 independents
House: 233 Democrats, 202 Republicans

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You do realize that Clinton didn't have both the house and senate for most of his time in office too. And republicans over rode his veto when they wanted to get rid of regulations aimed at keeping companies from becoming to big to fail. On the other hand Bush had the 108th congress with GOP control. Did Bush work with any republicans to create legislation to burst the bubble? Nope. There was not even an attempt.

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 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy
Again, asked and answered:

During much of that time, Bush didn't control the House and Senate. Or by very narrow majorities.

As cited, Bush and the Republicans made repeated attempts to enact stricter lending standards, that would have vastly diminished or prevented the crisis. But Democrats obstructed them and called them mean and racist at every turn. Barney Frank assured us all that Fannie Mae was "structurally sound" and very strong, right up until the day it went down like the Titanic.

And then incredibly, blamed it on Republicans.

Again, the video I cited lists chronologically the multiple attempts by Bush/Republicans to enact stricter lending standards that would have vastly diminished or completely prevented the mortgage crisis.

I'm aware that Bill Clinton began his term with Democrat control of the presidency, Senate and House. And because he lied to the American people and did the OPPOSITE of what he campaigned on, he and Democrats lost the House and Senate for the first time in about 50 years. Clinton embraced Republican policy, and that's the only reason he was re-elected and had a somewhat successful presidency. If you ignore that it was during Clinton's presidency that offshoring of jobs escalated and most manufacturing from that point moved to China, the Haiti immigration debacle and military invasion, the Somalia debacle that unnecessarily got U.S. soldiers killed because they were sent in to lightly armed to defend themselves, that Clinton made a deal with North Korea that allowed them to secretly build nuclear weapons soon after W. Bush replaced him, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, not capturing Bin Ladin when he could have, not responding to the U.S.S. Cole attack, and neglecting investigation of the 1993 World Trade Center attack and ignoring foreign involvement that allowed another more devastating 2001 attack, and half-assed lobbing of a few missiles at Al Qaida that allowed them to survive, become heroes across the muslim world and emboldened them to more attacks.

And Frau Hitlery's failed attempt to socialize Healthcare.

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Bush was President and at one point did have control of congress party wise. And I'm guessing your propaganda video doesn't get into what he could have done but didn't. Blaming Clinton and not Bush who was President for 8 years after Clinton is just dumb. And like I said when this economy crashes you won't blame Trump but it will be all Obama's fault.

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Did you even WATCH the video, M E M? It's not "propaganda" it's a news report that details EXACTLY what the Republicans did to reform mortgage lending standards, but were obstructed by Democrats.

And try not to cheer too much (exhoing Bill Maher) for the economy to crash under Trump. It again manifests the Democrat disinterest in average Americans, only in what allows them to regain power, at the expense of precisely the people they falsely front to care about (the middle class and poor).
And unlike under Obama where the economy never rose above 2%, the current projection for this year is 4.8% growth. In just Trump's first 18 months. One might get the idea looking at the objective data that Trump is a far better president than Obama.

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Congress under Bill Clinton's term:

103rd Congress: (Jan 1993- Jan 1995)
Senate: 57 Democrats, 43 Republicans
House: 258 Democrats, 176 Republicans, 1 independent (who again, always caucus with Democrats)

104th Congress (Jan 1995-Jan 1997 )
Senate: 48 Democrats, 52 Republicans
[House:[/b] 204 Democrats, 232 Republicans, 1 independent

105th Congress (Jan 1997-Jan 1999)
Senate: 45 Democrats, 55 Republicans
House: 206 Democrats, 228 Republicans, 1 independent

106th Congress (Jan 1999-Jan 2001)
Senate: 45 Democrats, 55 Republicans
House: 211 Democrats, 223 Republicans, 1 independent

So Bill Clinton began his presidency with not only the presidency, but also far greater majorities in the House and Senate. Clinton lost his majorities precisely because he blatantly lied to the American people and raised taxes on the middle class, precisely what he promised he would not do, and immediately did. And Hillary in a very secretive way tried to force socialized medicine on the country. The nation overwhelmingly rejected this in the very next 1994 election, and for the first time in 50 years gave Republicans control of both houses. A very clear statement.

Clinton had 2 years to enact whatever he wanted, with total control of the House and Senate. But he deceitfully did the opposite of what he promised, and only when he embraced REPUBLICAN legislation for a balanced budget and reforming welfare did he gain some success and legacy as president. On issues he would never have championed himself, but "triangulated" on the direction the political wind was blowing, and reluctantly went with it, so that his presidency would not be a complete failure.

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Su in your mind the housing bubble ran for 16 years and it's Clinton's fault and not Bush's because the Dems had control 14 years before? As pointed out Bush had some time with party control and all we got was more deregulation. You can spread some of the blame around but Bush definitely gets a good share of it along with the GOP.

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As liberal journalist Naomi Klein said on C-SPAN in 2009, there is blame to go around for both parties in not acting to deflate and prevent the mortgage bubble, but it is intellectually dishonest for Democrats and the media to heap all the blame on the Republicans. And If blame were to be heaped on one party, it would go to the Democrats.

It wasn't until 2006 that mortgages got so high in price that property stopped selling, and unqualified homeowners started foreclosing. I read one article in the Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel that in retrospect it could be seen that June 2006 was the peak month of the real estate market was June 2006. After that, speculators increasingly couldn't sell, and started walking away from their mortgages, leaving millions of foreclosures that took years for banks to sell off.

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No one cared more about the plight of black Americans than Barack Obama — our first African-American president — who won well more than 90 percent of the black vote. But the sad paradox of Obama's presidency is that a president who was going to lift up black America economically didn't deliver. From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of black Americans fell by more than $900 per family adjusted for inflation.

So far under Trump, median family incomes have risen by more than $1,000, according‎ to Sentier Research and based on Census Bureau numbers. These numbers are not broken down by race, but it's a pretty good bet that black incomes have risen with those of other races under Trump.
What about other metrics of black economic progress under Trump? It's early for sure, but we have some preliminary results since Election Day, when the stock market started its latest bull market run.

The black unemployment rate has fallen by a full percentage point in the last year, black labor force participation is up and the number of black Americans with a job has risen by 600,000 from last year. Preliminary data show black wages and incomes are up since the election.

The rate of job growth per month for blacks under Trump has so far been 40 percent higher than the monthly average under ‎Obama. Trump has averaged nearly 30,000 new black jobs per month. That's especially remarkable because Obama was elected when employment was way down.

Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.

The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.

The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.

Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.

Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.

So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record

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More jobs created under Obama's last years of being President than stinkies first couple. And vouchers end up eroding public schools. Improve what we have and quit trying to sabotage it.

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 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
More jobs created under Obama's last years of being President than stinkies first couple. And vouchers end up eroding public schools. Improve what we have and quit trying to sabotage it.

A smoke and mirrors argument.

Trump's policy has created the lowest black unemployment ever recorded. (Tracked by Dept of Labor since 1972.)

By every measure, this is the best economy since 1999. Obama was president from Jan 2009-Jan 2017. It is only cherry-picking one year of that 8 years and ignoring the rest of Obama's 2 terms that you can attempt to float that false narrative.

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Most of the gains happened under Obama's Presidency, so actually you're the one trying doing the smoke and mirrors.

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White House Falsely Claims Trump Has Created More Jobs For Black Americans Than Obama

Lies eagerly repeated by Trump supporters over and over again.

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Matter-eater Man #1229751 2019-09-21 3:59 PM
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The billionaire in my opening post was commencement speaker at a black university, and said he would pay off the student loans of all the students at that university. Which is now reported to have done, at a price of $34 million.

For an encore, he is going to pay off the student loans now of all their parents.
What a guy!

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