I still play Half-Life 1, Goldeneye 64, Quake 1, 2, and 3, Unreal Tournament and Katamari Damacy at home.

When I'm on the bus sometimes I play some Super Mario Brothers on an original Gameboy.

When I'm over at a friend's I would pick up some all sorts of stuff for old times sakes. Starcraft, Doom, Mortal Kombat II and Perfect Dark are faves but just the past week we played some Duckhunt (complete with the Dog killing mod), Pac Man, Snake, and Myst (While drunk).

When I'm over at my cousin's sometimes we would boot up his old PowerMac and play some obscure FreeWare games for old times sakes. PowerPete, Mortal PONGbat, Squirrel Kombat, Dome Wars, and FutureCops are some titles that we play and nobody outside of our family knows of them. We also play a lot of Worms together. He prefers the orginal because there was no time limit on the ninja rope and bungie cord. The man is a bastard who spends ten minutes per turn transversing the map to plant dynamite and throw banana bombs with prefect agility! D:

Every now and then I challenge my Grandmother to some competitive Pong or Tetris. I've only beaten her at Tetris once.