Originally Posted By: King Snarf
It's just so goddam frustrating. Like tonight, when I was chatting up Random Girl. I didn't expect much, which is good because I got jack. But, Christ, usually if I'm polite and somewhat charming, such as I was tonight, I could get a FIRST FUCKING NAME!

Everyone says be patient. Be patient. I have been patient my whole goddamn life. I was alone in high school. But hey, it's high school, and I was a nerd. And then college, not much success, but there was Melanie (and if you've read some of my other rants in this forum you know ALL about her) which probably set me back even further. I mean, before her I was just lonely. After, I became lonely and BITTER. And then the long stretch of jack shit. So, I trust people will forgive me if I don't seem overjoyed at the "Oh, just be patient" platitudes.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.