Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
Played WWE Smackdown VS Raw 2009 again. The engine is good but the roster sucks. I mainly just use the ones that are already in past WWE games, the unlockable characters are shit, Ric Flair is about the only unlockable character I care about.

Not sure about the PC version, but there seemed to be a lot of promise with the PS3 and 360 versions, with downloadable content available for the first time, with extra people being added to the roster, but after only two download packs, they stopped it.
Here they had a chance to add a shit load more characters, and make more money off people, and all they gave us was a handful of new additions to the roster, some shitty older characters like Doink and the Bushwhackers and a few costume changes.

For my money, they need to make this game two yearly instead of yearly, and release semi-regular downloadable content to add on newer signings, anyone they missed from the initial game, costume changes and maybe some extra arenas or something.
That would probably make them more money in the long run, and would give them more chance to develop a game thats a seriously radical step up from the previous game.