Originally Posted By: Glacier16

Just finished it on hard mode.
Amazing game, and its amazing how quickly eleven and a half hours go when you are wrapped up in a story/game like this.

The humour is spot on (whats the scariest thing on the scare o meter of 1 to 10, clowns...ha ha), and the story is better than a good portion of movies these days.
Naughty Dog have proved with this that if you actually use the capabilities of the PS3, you can have a game that beats just about anything.
What they have done is nothing short of amazing, as from what I have read, the game not only utilises near enough the capacity of the blu ray disc, but also 90-100% of the PS3's cell capability.

I also love the fact that they designed it so that it doesnt have to install on your HD like so many other games (yeah, I am looking at you MGS4), and by using a longer load time at the begining of the game, there is no actual in game load wait, meaning smooth transition from level to level, and seemless shifts from gameplay to cutscene and back again.

The graphics are simply phenominal, even better than the first one, and that was damn near perfect.
The gameplay is great, but thats because they stayed true to the original, and didnt try fixing stuff that was broken (in fact they removed stuff like the vehicle driving bits that were the most complained about bits in the first one).

If any game franchise was designed to have movie sequels, then this is it.
Almost a modern day Indiana Jones, without all the stupidity of the Tomb Raider shite.

Time to do it all again I think, to get those missing trophies!